Wednesday, December 26, 2018

9x6 Lube Review

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Papa Tony:  This is a re-post of an old article of mine. It’s still valid. I don’t receive any benefits from any of my reviews.

Having been around a long time, I like to see new, useful things show up. I tried out a sample of the new “9x6” silicone lubricant recently.

I don’t usually like silicone lubricants, unless I’m removing a squeak from the hinges on my front gate. They tend to stain the sheets p-e-r-m-a-n-e-n-t-l-y. The newer “hybrid” lubes (half water-based and half silicone) make my throat seize up, and I gag uncontrollably if any gets in my mouth. Not a pleasure-enhancing experience. So, I tend to buy water-based lube in the gallon jug with the Party Pump, year after year.

I recently attended STUD Night at the Eagle, when Michael Brandon was there to promote his new product called “9x6” silicone lubricant. He’s a sweetie, by the way. A really decent man.

When he claimed that his lube did not stain, I was dubious. When he handed out samples, I seized one and immediately put some on my hand. I was impressed with the slickness, and it seemed like a great product. Then, I went into the men’s room at the bar and washed my hands. It came off pretty quickly and cleanly with soap and cold water.

Then, later on, I tested it properly, deeply and thoroughly at home with helpful volunteers. Works great. Very nice, and no gagging. Now, for the ultimate test:

I dumped some on the crotch of a pair of old cotton shorts. Then, I threw them in with a regular load of laundry, with no special treatment at all. As you can see from the photos, there is no trace of the silicone once the shorts came out of the dryer. I’m quite satisfied, and can recommend it.

I remember when the first dedicated, water-based sexual lubricants came out. They were a sensation. Up to that point, we were using K-Y jelly (which dries out at the worst times), Vaseline (never one of my favorites), or Crisco (stinks, and stains).

I think I’m finally ready to switch to silicone. I plan to pick some up this Thursday.

2018 Update:

Years later, I still use this by preference. This lube is SENSATIONAL for erotic massage, particularly with hairy partners. It’s a treat, as long as you keep it away from silicone toys.

Why? Because it can cause the surface of silicone toys to deteriorate.

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