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Showing posts with label #advice. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2019

How to Build Up a Scene

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Note:  This from the excellent and extensive Deviance and Desire site.  Strongly recommended!


There are as many different ways to do kink as there are people, but I want to discuss one particular type that is common enough to come up in discussion quite a lot — “a scene”. Specifically, a scene that you might do at home (which often has different characteristics to one in a public venue).

By “scene”, I mean a structured period of play. In a way, you could think of it as “scripted”, having a beginning, a middle and an end, but it doesn’t need to be a role-play. Neither party needs to change character, unless that’s something you like to do. It also doesn’t really need a “script”, just a kind of plan that is as tight or as loose as you want to make it.

Some people enjoy a bit of spanking to add spice in the bedroom, some spend hours doing intricate wraps with expensive Japanese rope. There are people who combine sex and BDSM, and there are people who consider it two totally different things.

Exploring kink, many people start off learning some skills, or sharing some things they enjoy with their partner, and then wonder how to integrate it into something larger. Having a plan can not only eliminate that stop/start feeling of “now we’re switching on the kinky, now we’re turning it off”, it can also enhance the things that you already know you enjoy doing, placing them into a context, building anticipation and leveraging on them to explore something else.


The kink community is (rightfully) big on communication, negotiation and consent, but it’s not one-size-fits-all and you need to make judgements about what best suits you (both) and what feels right in your situation.

Generally, if you don’t know your partner very well, or you’re exploring new things for the first time, it’s going to be very important for you to talk first. A mistake new Dominants/Tops often make is to think that mystery and “not revealing too much” are tools of control they can use to enhance their role. And, a mistake that new submissives/bottoms often make is thinking that they shouldn’t put forward their own desires (or even limits) because it somehow lessens their “submission”. Many bad experiences have started with this kind of thinking.

It’s often the case that people who know each other well, and have built high levels of trust, don’t talk all that much first. That’s legitimate too. Just be confident that you know where all the boundaries are and you know how you will be communicating during your play (with tools such as safewords, for example). Most importantly, be sure you are clear on what consent has been exchanged. Even if your partner is your husband or wife, consent nearly always has limits and trust can be badly damaged if you don’t know where those limits are.

Putting aside negotiation and consent (you’ve got this!), one thing that is also often worth discussing is what KIND of scene you want. I don’t mean what tools you’ll be using or activities will be occurring, but whether it will be a collaborative scene with both of you suggesting and giving feedback and exploring, or whether it will be a scene where the Top takes charge and leads everything. They’re very different expectations, and it gives you a framework for how to interact.

Again, there is sometimes a misconception by new Dominants/tops and submissives/bottoms that kink is something a Dom or Top does “to their partner”. It’s not, it’s something you do together. Sometimes you might enact it in a more one-sided way, but if you consider the dynamic to be one person’s responsibility then you are setting yourselves up for disappointment.


I like to start my scenes with a period of sensory isolation. I use it as a transition from the busy noisy world to something more intimate. Sometimes I’ll use accessories like blindfolds, but it can be as simple as placing my partner somewhere and going off to take a shower or prepare my equipment.

I like to think holistically about the “staging” of what I am doing because I enjoy the idea of engaging all the senses. For me, that includes lighting, music, the warmth of the room, scent, and the visuals that my partner will see (such as me, and the way I am dressed).

Then I will start slow and build intensity. Activities that establish the “exchange” or “control” are good at the beginning, if that is going to be part of your play. Use the things you do to establish the language you are going to use and the way you are going to interact. Set the parameters by correcting and adjusting.

“Warmup” is often interpreted as the time when you go light with your tools — the soft flogger before the stingy one comes out — and of course that’s important too. But, it’s also an excellent time to make clear the expectations and patterns of the scene. Everyone is more confident and relaxed when they know what is expected of them, so it is at this point that you can instil that confidence.

Take your time and don’t rush things. It’s a little like when you stand up to talk in front of a group and realise you are talking 100-miles-an-hour. Scenes have a far greater tendency to go too quickly and feel rushed than of going too slowly and boring anybody. You don’t have to fill every 10-second gap with a new activity. Set a nice rhythm and play off your partner’s responses to alter the tempo up and down when you want to. It’s another thing you can control.

I’m not going to suggest what you should do in the middle. You’ve got your pleasures, I’ve got mine. What you have done is created an energy and connection.

You’ll fumble some, some things will work, some won’t. And part of what you’ll be doing is building a repertoire of things you know how to do, learning when and how to bring them out and use them. And the learning is so damn much fun.

Something I do suggest — and you can take it under advisement and ignore me, because it’s your scene and you can do what you want — is to keep your hand off your private parts until the end, and focus on your partner instead. Of course, that might include using your partner on your private parts. But, what I’m trying to say is: Focus your energy outwards. Channel it into what you are doing. Believe me, your partner will feel that energy and your status as a Dom/Top will skyrocket.

Which brings us to the winding down. Again, it’s often interpreted as going light with your tools, and that can be the case if that is your plan (though a session might equally end on an intense note with or without a puddle of juices and a “holy f***!”).

Don’t be the douche who gets up and goes to another room to turn the TV on. Maybe your partner wants to be touched now, maybe they don’t. If they don’t, tidy your tools up and stay close-by. The scene might have appeared to have ended, but it hasn’t really.

The neuroscience of BDSM still has some fuzzy edges, but it is well-known and widely-accepted that your partner (and yourself) have just been through some intense body-brain-experiences and your body will be flooded with neurochemicals for some time afterwards. One of those is probably oxytocin (which helps us bond with our partners), and there is adrenaline, endorphins and probably many others.

It’s an emotionally delicate time, and it can have potential downsides (subdrop) and also potential upsides (great feelings of closeness). Use it as an opportunity. Aftercare is important. Tend to your partner, focus your energy outward, and again… your status as a Dom/Top will skyrocket.


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As you can tell in my next post below, I'm definitely pro when it comes to an alpha feeders being verbally abusive while I service them. I absolutely love men who feel free enough to say whatever they want while I'm servicing them. Because that's just it: they feel free to be as nasty as they want...they're in a place they don't get to go to in "proper" American life.

My next post may seem a little over the top so I thought I would clarify: I'm going to give 100% of my cocksucker abilities to any man I agree to service, whether they are quiet as a mouse or are constantly reminding me of my faggot cocksucker cumslut status as a human being. I am EXTREMELY grateful that a man would share his sex with me, regardless of his verbosity.

But when a man starts being verbally abusive, it's like an electric shock goes through over-clocking the CPU on a gaming computer or injecting nitrous into your car to get a speed boost...for a while, I'm over-heated and going into areas more than 100%. I feel it in my gut and my head and it's like my body, swimming with cocksucker hormones, gets a literal high from it.

At any rate, not all cocksuckers are into it the way I am and I have encountered PLENTY of feeders that don't WANT to say anything. Find the right type of consenting adult that's a good fit for you.

As you can tell in my next post below, I'm definitely pro when it comes to an alpha feeders being verbally abusive while I service them. I absolutely love men who feel free enough to say whatever they want while I'm servicing them. Because that's just it: they feel free to be as nasty as they want...they're in a place they don't get to go to in "proper" American life.

My next post may seem a little over the top so I thought I would clarify: I'm going to give 100% of my cocksucker abilities to any man I agree to service, whether they are quiet as a mouse or are constantly reminding me of my faggot cocksucker cumslut status as a human being. I am EXTREMELY grateful that a man would share his sex with me, regardless of his verbosity.

But when a man starts being verbally abusive, it's like an electric shock goes through over-clocking the CPU on a gaming computer or injecting nitrous into your car to get a speed boost...for a while, I'm over-heated and going into areas more than 100%. I feel it in my gut and my head and it's like my body, swimming with cocksucker hormones, gets a literal high from it.

At any rate, not all cocksuckers are into it the way I am and I have encountered PLENTY of feeders that don't WANT to say anything. Find the right type of consenting adult that's a good fit for you.

In my experience, great sex ALWAYS involves verbal expressions of some sort, even if it is only grunts and moans. It's especially important for faggots to hear their Alpha's expressions for two reasons:

1. Verbal expressions deepen a faggot's subspace and encourages better service.

2. Verbal expressions give the faggot a sense of what is pleasing the Man.

I find it weird when a MAN remains totally silent while being serviced. It makes me uncomfortable, like I'm molesting a terrified child. So Alphas and Men, PLEASE express yourselves in all of your sexual experiences. You are born Kings, so make sure you RUT like Kings!!!


Verbal play is a very powerful tool. A dom can use to shape his boy’s experience of the scene, to guide his boy into a particular headspace, to express his own need for aggression, and much more.

Papa Tony:

I am always, always strict with my subs about how important feedback is to me in a scene.  These links go into greater detail:

When I am teaching a new submissive, I stress the following idea:

"The More That You Submit, The More That I Dominate."

The exact opposite is true, too.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Oxytocin: It’s Not Just The ‘Love’ Hormone After All

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One of the most intense and intimate experiences for me is “nipple torture,” read here things like clamps, with lots of eye contact. Oxytocin helps explain that.

It’s also one of those fun chemicals involved in subspace and suspected in even Domspace. I suspect it is very involved in sub-or-Dom-drop via the rebound effect as well.

It is also related to anxiety relief, memory, etc. in ways you may find surprising.

Understand, this thing we do is all about biochemistry, especially brain chemistry.

Sure you hear about the endorphins and adrenaline, but oxytocin plays a big role in BDSM and especially the D/s bond.

Body Positivity: Doing the Mirror Exercise

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Hardest thing I’ve ever done is "mirror work" ….

But one of the most necessary.

Fuck, I’d rather light myself on fire!

The first set of instruction is a comprehensive written list of all the parts of my body I currently “hate” with details about when it’s the worst (position) or intrudes into my focus. And then I have to give Him the list. He spends days with the list. Asks more questions.

Then comes the instructions for training day.

Forced to look, listen, experience…

To endure grabbing, pulling, squeezing parts that life, aging, and gravity have been less than kind to. To see all those parts from every angle. To not be allowed to look away, not a moment’s respite.
Once the sobbing subsides a bit, He describes what He sees, showing me the curves He focuses on, the sensations He feels.

He takes His pleasure in every form imaginable while I watch. The mirrors not only show me me, but His pleasure, His undeniable lust, even while grabbing and enjoying the parts I hate. (I’m an evidence based kinda girl.)

There is an overriding theme, a mantra . .

“I am perfect for Him.” That I am never more beautiful than when I’m on my knees or in the moment I have surrendered my being to His to receive the gift of erotic pain or am put to use pleasing Him.

A quote from Him: “Little one I refuse to fucking to compete. I will have you, you will give me your complete surrender and focus. I will not abide a competitor. And right now, I’m competing with your inner critic. We will do this as many times as it takes. I will break this distraction and have your complete focus. I will not accept competition.”

And in the end, I am broken and he remakes me. Remakes me to come before Him truly “naked and unashamed.”


The body like a trail queen has been through multiple pregnancies and cesareans, breast feeding, a partial nephrectomy, and over 50 years of gravity.

But don’t let size make you think I don’t suffer with a host of body image issues.
My theory of the case is that 98%percent of us never did and never will look like Tumblr models. And that deciding on which of us suffers more because of it is pointless.
As far as I can tell, we all suffer to one degree or another.

As for me, aging and gravity are my nemesis. Ever seen a 53 year old mother naked on all fours? Let’s just say things slide and hang in ways that make me cringe.

But the point of His body image training is that it’s HIS opinion that matters. And that He was going to see to it that I walked through whatever hell to see me through his eyes and shed some of the burden of my inner critic.

I always have my safeword. I trusted Him. It was a Hell, but it helped immensely. And, I’m vigilant about confronting my inner critic before it gets that bad ever again. He won’t have it any other way.
But that’s me. It doesn’t have to be a good plan for anybody else.

Your "no" is yours to use whenever, wherever, with whoever, and for any reason.

Remember, married to Him for over 30 years. He truly knows me. And I trust Him to lead.


For anyone having body issues. This goes for men as well.


I love this so much… I mean the concept. That is true Dom shit. And bravo to all the subs who tough it out.


Absolutely men have body issues. Probably the most common type is that of penis size, and let me tell you… That one can be quite the mind fuck, regardless of what you might say about its importance. The male Tumblr models with their 9 inch schlongs project just as unrealistic an image as the little porn princesses. It can make the average man feel less than average for sure.

Papa Tony:

Every one of my male submissives have had to be "talked off of the ledge" when it comes to his self-image.  I have acted as the "mirror" for many of my subs, directly addressing each submissive's fears and considerations.  I do this by being entirely (but lovingly) forthcoming.

I ALWAYS conclude by saying the words "I choose you THIS way, and would not change a thing about you."  And, in every case, I mean it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shutting Down a Scene

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A PM from a Follower, abstracted in the interests of privacy …
“Awhile back you mentioned in passing a Dom shutting down a scene if it got too intense for the sub to be able to use her safe word responsibly. What are the symptoms, so I can watch out for it and be aware?”
This is a great question. First, respect to you for wanting to understand and keep your girl safe. Here’s the thing: we hear all this stuff about “the sub is safe, because she always has her safeword.” And that is true, as far as it goes. But what happens when, in the intense heat of a scene, the submissive has lost the power of rational volition? That sounds fairly nebulous, and probably useless, so let me break it down to some characteristic external markers that I’ve encountered over the years …

Loss of rational speech. Is her speech mumbled, incoherent, and “off-topic”? You need to shut that shit down.

Irrational demands for “more, harder.” If you’ve pushed her to (and possibly a bit beyond) her previous limits and to a place that you know is beyond her tolerance (for pain, intensity, etc) and yet she continues to moan “more …. harder …” then she has dropped too deep into sub space to be a rational player in the scene, and you need to shut that shit down.

“What is your name?” If you think she’s slipped away, ask her “What is your name?” I once had to ask a girl her name three times before I got a mumbled response. If she can’t answer immediately and coherently,  you need to shut that shit down.

Safeword. Above all else, if you ask “What is your safeword?” and she does not immediately respond crisply and coherently with her safeword, you need to shut that shit down at once.

Now, what do you do to bring her back? Hydration, a damp towel, under the covers, and a lot of cuddles and aftercare while talking to her softly and letting her know you’re there and all is well.

Hopefully these “indicators” will help you to keep your scenes Safe, Sane, and Consensual.

I Wanna Try Being A Sub But I Don't Think I'm Ready To Be Owned Yet

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Hey there so I follow your blog because I love it obviously, question tho, I wanna try being a sub but I don't think I'm ready to be owned yet idk I'm really nervous about but at the same time want it. I'm bi not fully out. So limitations exist, any tips or places I could visit to help me ease into it?
Unknown Author:

I’m glad you like my blog and thank you for following!

As for your question, for me at least, ownership is not something I equate to my submission. There is a big difference between subbing a few times for a local Dom to test the waters, subbing consistently with the same Dom(s) over a large period of time, and being collared and “owned” by any particular Dom.

I don’t know how to navigate spaces discreetly (if one of my other followers has info on that it would be much appreciated) as I have had the privilege of being out for years. I will give you the basic run down of what I would say is the best way to go about entering kink and D/s spaces.

So first off, it sounds like you are in exploratory phases. You aren’t quiet sure what exactly you want yet and you just want to see if this is for you. I would recommend finding a local Dom who is willing to help try some stuff with you, which is easier said than done sadly. Side note: I caution you on moving too quickly. Some “doms” will try to rush you into play just so they can have someone to beat and blow their load in. Those are not Dominants. Those are tops who prey on naivety. It is dangerous to be a naive sub in this world, we are vulnerable not just in play but beyond that as well. As a sub, you will give a lot of control to Dominants and it is important that you have someone who will not intentionally hurt you beyond what your limits are.

After you’ve met that Dom here are some tips for engagement. Your first meeting should not be sexual or play based right off the bat. Seek a neutral spot for your first meeting, get A (one) drink or dinner. Things do not need to go any farther than that for your first meeting. Get to know one another as humans before you get to know each other in a scene. Talk about what you want out of each other and, if your are in a private enough area, talk about play, desires, kinks, and soft/hard limitations. If you want both want to start that evening go for it. If you aren’t comfortable give it a day or two. Think it over and communicate.

For your first play session don’t do anything too extreme. Set up safe words and a comfort scale (red, yellow, green; red being your safe word for ‘stop all play immediately’, yellow for ‘this is getting to be a lot but I don’t want to be done’, and green, well, you don’t really have to say ‘green’ unless they ask how you are in which case you could just say ‘I’m great Sir.’) Don’t say you can handle something if you haven’t done it before. Be honest and up front. If he asks “can I flog you?” and you’ve never been flogged, instead of saying “Yes Sir” (which gives him the impression ‘this is a relatively experienced sub’) say “I’ve never been but I’d be interested to try Sir” (which lets him know to introduce you gently to flogging). Don’t be afraid of communicating. It takes a while to get into a comfortable rhythm with a Dom where both of you don’t have to say much. In your first few meetings be vocal not just about discomforts but also about things you are enjoying. Let him know he is doing a good job and I’m sure he will let you know how you are doing.

Lastly, you don’t need to be ready to be owned in order to experience subbing. Being a sub doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else owns you. Ownership is typically a very sacred thing among Doms and subs and those who attempt to “own” or “collar” you too quickly are not actually looking for the bond and commitment that it takes to be in that type of relationship. That’s what being collared is, the symbol of a relationship, maybe not romantic but a relationship none the less.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Collaring… All Types

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Note from Papa Tony:  I am not necessarily endorsing this viewpoint, but it is another perspective to ponder.  My views on the topic are to be found here.

Also, here are some things to think about, BEFORE you are to be collared.


A collar is the most powerful symbol of ownership and commitment in the BDSM community. A collar should be earned, not given lightly.

The moment it is first placed around the neck a moment to remember for both Master and slave. The slave is owned forever unless the Master decides to release it. The Master/slave version of a wedding ring. Not to be taken lightly.

It may be that a symbolic ‘training’ collar is used at the outset whilst the slave is tested and trained. something that still marks it as under consideration, submissive, something it can wear to experience the joy of being under someone elses control. Something it doesn't take off, a 24/7 reminder of what it is, what it is doing, what it is becoming. 

But the moment it is swopped for something heavier, something that is locked on, the emotions can’t be compared. This is real now, you are a slave….permanently.

The chain and padlock is the most common form of permanent collar. The advantage being it can be worn 24/7, under clothes if necessary, when the slave is in the outside world. i have had Masters who remove it only for showering but others who leave it on even for that, no excuses, it never comes off. And yes you can get through airport security, when you explain you don’t have the key and allow it to be inspected!

the other most common collar must be the leather buckled collar.

Worn at home or at BDSM events or for a minority I’ve met also 24/7, padlocked on. 

the classic collar to attach a lead, rope, chain to drag the slave around. 

A combination is what i see most. The permanent padlock chain and the leather collar as a more potent symbol for much of the time. 

The other common one is the dog collar worn by puppies…

But also for occasional use for the Master who wants his slave to spend time as an animal, communicating only with barks and groans, taken outside to piss and shit but also potentially stroked and petted as a sign of affection. A comforting safe place for some slaves, a nightmare of dehumanisation and humiliation for others. 

Different collars can also be used as punishment. Tight, restricting, making breathing difficult.

Posture collars, forcing the chin up unnaturally. this example is fairly mild compared to some i’ve been put in but the metal makes it harsher. 

Once in there is no way your head is going down, no escape. 

The heavy iron or steel collar, often paired with manacles, leg irons, chains. Solid rings to fasten the slave to a hook in the dungeon or…

…pull and push it around. Once on it is hard to forget, it restricts movement, the neck breaking weight but also my experience is that after a while it will start to rub, chafe, become incredibly sore, even break skin and bleed or blister….something Master may well be aware of, enjoy and exploit. The longest i’ve spent in one was a three day weekend and by the end of the first night it was a persistent, nagging, agony. 

Dehumanising…a work animal. 

Maybe eventually the slave becomes used to it or its skin adapts. the lighter the weight the easier this will be.

i’ve heard of full time slaves kept in them permanently and it is certainly a common fantasy/intention of both Masters and slaves on tumblr to have a slave in one 24/7….

…the visual appeal is intoxicating for sure. 

Another punishment collar…the shock collar. Good for training and behaviour modification. Run faster! Don’t move from this spot! Or a wake up call. 

The prong collar is another harsh one used for training. Interestingly there are many who say these shouldn’t be used on real dogs as they are far crueler even than a shock collar. The sharp prongs digging into the neck, will cut, will bleed when pulled a lot, the idea being the dog/slave follows wherever it is led to ease the pain. For real dogs they come with rubber caps to protect the neck, for real slaves this may not be an option!

And i guess some sissy slaves would enjoy being put in one of these but for me i can’t help thinking the humiliation would only be felt as a punishment. But if it was what Master wanted…and it could always get worse…

Because the biggest fear of the true Owned slave is the collar being removed as punishment. it did happen to me once, and it was the most emotionally damaging punishment i remember. i felt naked without it, vulnerable, ashamed, lost, disoriented, it had become part of my identity. i had to earn the collar back and did so but…

That moment when it was put back on by Master was blissful, i belonged again, in my place. 

So yes, whatever they are or however they are worn the collar is so powerful and that power shouldn’t be taken lightly. A collar bonds, both personally and publicly. For me there is nothing like the pride felt when out with a Master, collar on display, being led, seen as His possession….chosen….owned. 

Had to add this one. This slave is obviously in its rightful place, so proud of its thick collar…owned. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Be Brave

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A boy wrote me earlier, feeling sad and alone in a new big city and wanting me to give him some kind of tasks so he felt a little less without a Daddy. As I was writing to him I realized that I wanted to issue BOTH those challenges I gave him to all my readers (boys AND Daddies alike). Knowing me at least as well as you do you probably have an idea of the direction that I would go when issuing a challenge and I’ve come up with TWO.

The first Challenge: Do something Brave.

This one is related to the second but it’s a ‘single event’ task, where the other one is not. I want you to pick something you wouldn’t normally do (I suggested that he took the step and became more visible by placing a personal ad) and do it. Don’t go at it for success, do it to learn from it. Pick something DIFFICULT and especially if you suspect you’ll fail at it because we learn the most about ourselves when we fail IF we keep our estimation of our skills out of the process. I’ll give examples of what I mean in a minute but for now you’ve got the basic idea of this ‘one shot’ challenge. Do it. Be Brave. 

The Second Challenge: Wage War on Fear.

This is ongoing and should never end. Take the lesson from the first challenge and apply it as often as possible. Usually I tell someone to do it once a day to meet the criterion but hat eventually must tone down as you run out of fears. I don’t mean just arachnophobia like fears, I mean both rational and irrational ones. There will be some you cannot easily defeat but that’s the point: finding those things out about yourself.

Do the things that terrify you, but do them in small ways at first.

Expect to fail but make THAT your first challenge to fear. Accept that it may happen and embrace that teaching moment. I started this myself more than a decade ago now by challenging my social phobias. I had massive stage fright even though I grew up as an actor/performer. I messed up MANY of my first shows but eventually I overcame that because it ‘wasn’t me’ doing the acting. That never prepared me for having to give a speech before a crowd or do the education work I’ve done for decades now. Even those things never really broke me of my own fear of being judged by crowds. What did it was Karaoke.

I have a decent singing and speaking voice, but some levels of skill are WELL beyond me and I knew it. So my first time doing it I chose “The Show Must Go On” because I knew it was going to break me. I did my best, pushed as hard as I could but failed to do it justice (Duh, I’m not Freddie..) but the experience taught me a great deal about myself and what I was really afraid of. Not long after I became a welcomed fixture at the mic because I changed WHAT I was doing.

I stopped trying to be a superstar because of talent and instead performed songs that made people laugh. The audience knew if I took the mic that they should stop drinking to avoid wasting it from laughter. At one point I called a crowd up with me to sing “ever sperm is sacred’ only to find the whole house knew the song and joined in.

I chose this because it was major and I knew it wouldn’t die easily which is why I challenged it weekly on those nights. It took time but that’s gone now.
Fear of performing = Dead. I’ve taken it much further than that now which is why I am positive that fear is gone.

In issuing this challenge to you I don’t want ANY excuses as to why. I want you to pick something and go at it full force the first time. Once you know your limit PUSH those until they cease to exist for you. It’s not about how ‘big’ those things might seem to someone else, it’s about challenging them because they ARE big for you. That’s what matters.

Being afraid isn’t a bad thing, but we’ve come to fear it instead of learning to use it. I want you to get to know your fear, to see what it lets you do and what it is teaching you. Don’t expect this idiotic ‘no fear’ mentality to develop. I want you to be real about it and learn to gain strength from it. The goal of this ultimate challenge is to neutralize the impact fear has on your decisions not remotely to ‘erase’ it.

Now, since ‘challenges’ in this world aren’t as readily taken without needing to ‘report in’ I have an expectation that if you accept this that you will send me at least one submission detailing your story so that I can share it if I decide to. The strength in this challenge is the community response as well as the personal growth which is why this last step is essential to both challenges.

Tell me what you did, how you did it and what you learned from it.
“Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard I can feel it through your hands. There’s so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain it’s like rocket fuel. Right now you could run faster and you can fight harder. You can jump higher than ever in your life and you are so alert it’s like you can slow down time.What’s wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower! Your superpower!“ -Peter Capaldi 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Every Kinky Term I Can Think of in 5 Minutes and What It Means

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Alexander Martin:

Time for another brain storming session. As with my past writings I will write for exactly 5 minutes coming up with every term I can think of. When the timer is done, I’ll go back and add as many definitions as I know for each word.

As with any terminology that is not scientific there’s room for interpretation and I’m not claiming to be Merriam or Webster. But this should be a good jumping off point to introduce you to new kinks that you may not have heard of but may interest you.

- Bagging: Bagging is the use of a plastic bag during breath play to cause asphyxiation. The other most common tool is using gas masks because you can cease air intake or restore air intake VERY easily.

- Ball Weights: The purpose of ball weights is to cause a consistent pull on a man’s balls. For some men the pressure feels good and others like to stretch their balls so they’re low hanging as it is considered aesthetically pleasing. Ball weights come in a variety of forms. There is a “parachute” to which is attached weights of various sizes. There are also hinged or magnetic stretchers that are attached above the balls to put weight on them.

- Bondage: Bondage is the use of ropes or restraints to inhibit movement in the person being bound. For rope tops that practice bondage, skill is a major factor. Being able to tie ropes in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and secure is a sign of someone with a lot of practice. A rope top able to do suspension is also a sign of skill. It is most common to hear bondage refer to rope and restraints refer to leather, neoprene, or metal gear that restrict movement. While not relevant to the definition of the word, if you experience loss of sensation in a restrained area while bottoming in bondage… tell your top immediately. Prolonged loss of feeling can result in nerve damage if left for a long time.

- Boot Blacking: Boot blackers care for leather gear. Obviously, they most often spend time caring for boots and making sure they are well maintained so they last well. Boot blackers are often submissives who relish the service and the chance to work on a wide variety of gear. Dominants may also have a great affinity for their own gear and take a great deal of care with it.

- Bottom: A bottom is another term for a submissive. Bottom as a term is also often paired with a variety of terms to indicate they are the recipient of an action. Examples: Pain bottom, Rope bottom, Sensation bottom. Bottom may also refer (in the gay community) to a recipient of anal sex and I believe the origin of the term in American slang originates from the bdsm community.

- Breath Play: Breath play involves the asphyxiation of the bottom. The asphyxiation of the bottom causes a euphoria brought on by low oxygen levels to the brain. That euphoria is said to also enhance sex or masturbation and is also said to be addictive. Breath play is unfortunately the source of a number of deaths as often someone engaging in breath play does so alone and then a slip during the low oxygen state may render the breath player unable to escape. Breath play is (obviously) extremely dangerous. I implore anyone reading with an interest to only engage in breath play with a partner you know and trust VERY well and to never breath play alone.

- Cane: A cane is usually made of a flexible, thin, plastic or wood. It is used in impact and pain play.

- CBT: An acronym for Cock and Ball Torture that covers a wide range of genital pain intensities. In fact depending on the person you’re talking to “torture” may be a misnomer. There are people who engage in CBT who merely like their cock or balls tugged on. There are also folks who like CBT who take it quite far. In the interest of not disturbing readers I will refrain from mentioning the more extreme examples of CBT I’ve seen. I would ask anyone into CBT to define their interest.

- Chastity Play: Chastity play involves the denial of orgasm. The method varies. Cages are most common whether they are plastic or metal. They often involve locks and the key(s) to which is often given to a key holder. Some men engage in chastity through sheer will power without the help of cages and locks. Chastity’s duration varies from a short time (a few days to a week) to “forever”. As the duration varies the intensity also varies, shorter durations are usually a sign that a chastity player enjoys the “pay off” of a long denied orgasm. Longer or “infinite” duration chastity folk often have a philosophy around their play: “I’m not worthy of passing on my inferior genetics.” or “My master’s dick is all that matters.”

- Crop: Crops are similar to canes in that they are long, flexible, and thin. Historically they are used to inflict pain upon horses as a signal from rider to horse to go faster. Crops tend to have a leather strip or two at the end of the cane.

- Degradation: Degradation is an erotic fixation on being treated with contempt or disrespect. Being degraded is the goal itself. There is no “end point” just a constant process of insult and disrespect.

- Dehumanization: Dehumanization is the process of using disrespect and control to cause a person to stop recognizing themselves as a person. Dehumanization is related to degradation. Both use disrespect and contempt to break down a person’s societal conditioning to the state of an “object”. Often the goal is to have a submissive behave exactly as told with no thought or care on an order except absolute obedience no matter what the order is.

- Dominant: A dominant is an individual who gets sexual arousal from exerting sexual dominance over his partner. The expressions of that dominance are too numerous to mention although many of the terms and interests mentioned here have dominant and submissive aspects to them.

- Edging: Edging is the practice of masturbating to the brink of orgasm but backing off before orgasm can be achieved. Edging is involved in a series of teasing (masturbation as if orgasm will be achieved) and then denial (backing off before orgasm is achieved) because over time the

- Electro Play: Electro play is play involving electricity delivered via either via a Tens Unit or a violet wand. The electricity makes for very intense experiences which can be painful. It also delivers a very intense and persistent stimulation. It is possible to shock a cock into ejaculation which is incredibly intense due to the electricity with little variance.

- Financial Dominance: Financial Dominance involves a Dominant who extracts money from a submissive for their mutual sexual gratification. The payments can be small or large. Financial dominance has taken off a lot with the internet and ways for people to pay remotely. As a result the dominants take a lot of photographs to show off the wealth being spent.

- Fisting: Fisting is the act of a dominant taking his fist and shoving it up his submissive’s ass. The dominant uses some sort of lubricant such as lubricants designed specifically for fisting or sometimes Crisco. Although fisting usually only involves one fist/arm it can involve two for very experienced fisting bottoms. Part of the appeal of fisting for the bottom is the ability to stretch his body’s limit. The appeal for the top is the control he has in being able to force the bottom to take such a large part of his body.

- Flogging:Flogging is the act of using a flogger or cat of nine tails to strike a submissive repeatedly. The pain is more spread out and can be more or less intense depending on how you’re hit. The tips can be a light impact or the entire weight of the material can slap against the skin.

- Human Furniture: This is the act of a submissive getting on the ground and serving as a piece of furniture. Examples include a footstool, a coffee table, and a pillow. It is often related to humiliation or degradation.

- Humiliation: Humiliation is sexual satisfaction derived from being humiliated by another. For a dominant the appeal can be the power in acting poorly to someone else but being so “hot and desirable” that the person being humiliated simply craves more. Submissives crave humiliation on a specific front such as “being less than” the dominant or “having a small dick” for example.

- Impact Play: Impact play is an umbrella term for pain play where the pain is derived from impact by an implement. See canes and crops.

- Key Holder: A key holder is the person who is holding a key to a lock on a chastity cage. There are services which will hold keys for a fee and for a set duration. Key holders can also be unsuspecting people. For example you might give an envelope for a month to a friend.

- Masochist: A masochist is someone who takes pleasure in receiving pain. While they still experience pain, it heightens the pleasure afterwards since the neurons are in a heightened state when in pain. See my article on “Why I am a fan of pain” for more info

- Mind Fucks: A mind fuck is an experience crafted by a dominant to frighten or fuck with his boy’s sense of safety for sexual gratification. For a dominant the enjoyment can be derived from being a crazy fucker and being able to laugh about it. For the submissive there can be excitement in never knowing what your dominant will do, but as surprising or scary as the situation is knowing that you’re completely safe every time.

- Mummification: Mummification is encasing a submissive inside of a material such that they cannot move at all. Often times the mummification leaves the submissive’s cock and balls available for stimulation or punishment. Mummification is often so complete that only the nose is exposed.

- Objectification: The process of reducing a human down to a mere object. Objectification is closely in line with dehumanization.

- Pain Play: The use of pain for the sexual gratification of the recipient and the inflictor of pain. Also see impact play.

- Pup Play: Pup play revolves around sexual gratification from behaving as a puppy as a means of behaving in a submissive head space. Pups can behave dominantly towards other pups as per the pack psychology you can find in biology books (i.e. alpha, beta, and omega).

- Rim Seat: A seat like a toilet seat that has a hole in the bottom so that someone can easily eat your ass out.

- Rimming: The act of using one’s tongue to stimulate another person’s ass.

- Sadist: A sadist derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain. Not all dominants are sadists. Not all sadists are dominants.

- Safe Word: A safe word is a word that when uttered lets a dominant know his submissive needs to stop. Some dominants use two safe words. One for “I need a break” and the other for “I need out immediately”. After all, while a sub’s safety is paramount, it’s nice to not have to destroy a toy you love because you thought a situation is less serious than you thought it was.

- Sensation Play: Sensation play often involves blindfolds. The idea is to shut down other senses such as sight and hearing to heighten the sense of touch. Once that is accomplished, tickling, rubbing, light touches, feathers, and lips are dragged across the skin to create interesting sensations. It is a very intimate experience.

- Skull Fucking: Skull fucking is brutal oral sex wherein the top simply jams his cock down the recipient’s throat. Typically the skull fucker grabs his partner’s skull and holds it still to control the sensations.

- Sounding: Sounding uses metal rods of varying lengths, thicknesses, and bends. The rod is lubricated and inserted into the urethra. Fans of sounding say that they enjoy the sensation of something sliding into their cock. Some enjoy the idea of their cock (a tool for fucking) being penetrated instead.

- Submissive: A person who enjoys being sexually dominated. The exact nature of the domination varies wildly from person to person as this list clearly shows.

- Suspension: The act of using rope bondage to create a scaffolding of sorts across a person’s body, that they may be suspended from the ceiling. The suspension also involves restricted movement on the part of the person being suspended. After all, if they could struggle out of it, they may suddenly find themselves in a position where they slip, cannot free themselves, and end up cutting off circulation to a body part which can result in nerve damage.

- Switch: A switch is capable of switching between dominant or submissive. I am told that switches often size up each person and decides whether or not they feel dominant or submissive to that person. The important thing is that a switch may not feel submissive to a dominant or dominant to a submissive.

- Tit Torture: Like CBT torture may be a misnomer. Tit torture is the act of aggressively stimulating someone’s nipples. There are guys out there who really do like their stimulation so aggressive that it does border on torture. So ask for more information rather than assuming.

- Top: A top is the person who does the kink or activity. Top is a descriptor attached to kink to show that the top is the active participant. For example: Rope top, cane top, whip top, or paddling top.

- Varsity Level Kink: A varsity level kink (like the sport) is a more advanced kink where knowledge is important to ensure the safety of the bottom involved. Breath play qualifies on the danger side of the equation. This term is also sometimes used to describe a kink that is uncommon enough that it one is socially allowed to simply beg out without trying it even once.

- Water Sports: Water sports is when one urinates in or on another person. I would recommend using the tub to prevent a mess to clean up later.

- Wax Play: Wax play is when a candle is lit and the hot wax is poured on the bottom. The sensation is sharp but fades very rapidly as the wax cools. It also leaves a small red circle around the site where the wax landed for an hour or two. Care should be taken to use wax on areas where skin is thicker like thighs rather than genitals or the ball sack. The thinner skin can transfer the heat to whatever lies underneath the surface and what would be a minor injury can hurt a lot more than expected.


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Alexander Martin:

I bring this up because I have found that bullying while present is difficult to immediately recognize in bdsm. In short, if someone is trying to pressure you or trick you into something you genuinely don’t want to do. That’s bullying.

- Know your critical kinks: I’ve had submissives who have told me “you’re not a true alpha!” I remember in once instance I was told this because I would not piss on him. His position was that because I wouldn’t piss on him and humiliate him in that fashion I am less of an alpha. This is bullying and it’s not just wrong for trying to manipulate me into doing what he wants me to do, it’s wrong because he is missing an important fundamental concept. Namely, that if you have a kink that important that it needs to be done for you to have a good time you should immediately discount anyone who won’t do it. Doesn’t matter how hot they are or how good a match you think you otherwise are. Discount them. Move on.

- Trolls: The other side of being told I’m not “a true alpha” comes from other alphas. Men who contact me for no reason beyond a need to insult me for being different. When it comes to trolls, do whatever helps you feel best/safest. I’ve tried a variety of approaches and can’t find any that are clearly better than one another. If you are a dominant, there is absolutely no reason to insult the competition.

- No one is the “judge” of kink: The kink world is vast. More vast than you or I truly know. Try not to judge others harshly or publicly. When it comes to other people, you merely need to know: “Do I want to play with him?” If the answer is no then not another thought need be spent and he need never know unless he asks you and you must politely decline.

- Karma is a bitch: Ultimately, bad behavior will bite you in the ass. You never know who is friends or partnered and going out of your way to irritate someone else will eventually result in you creating a larger problem for yourself. There is no plainer way to put it than: “Actions have consequences.”

What to look for in a Sir

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Alexander Martin:

Like a lot of what I write, I thought that this might prove useful for newer submissives who are trying to figure out how to suss dominants. I hope it can also serve to help readers think about exactly what it is they’re looking for. I also thought it would be handy for newer dominants to know what traits and behaviors to show off to attract submissives.

I am in no way judging ANYONE for not having any of these traits.

When you’re looking for a partner of any kind, it is vital to know what traits are REQUIRED and what traits would be nice to have. Knowing in advance this information allows you to sort through dominants more quickly and with less heart(ass)-ache afterwards. You’ll learn and develop that list as you date and fuck your way through kinksters. Remember, everyone (boys and Sirs) talk so don’t do anything that is unbecoming behavior.

- Knowledge: Your dominant should have knowledge about how to carry out his favorite kinks and safely. Looking for a caning? Then your dominant should probably know not to strike in line with your spine. Everyone starts somewhere! If he has no experience, readings could be a useful insight and provide some of the information he needs to know. That’s why you’re reading this entry! See if he’s done any reading or research on either his kink or dominance in general.

- Experience: This particular point varies in importance. If you want a bare handed spanking? There’s only so much damage he can do to your ass that way. If you’re graduating to caning you want to assess how much experience he has. Experience matters with play so ultimately you don’t end up hurt. Experience also leads to a more enjoyable experience as someone who knows what they’re doing is better able to do will create an experience deliberately, and there will be less stumbling during the scene.

- Confidence: As I already said, everyone starts somewhere! Yet, a dominant who is confident in who he is, what he’s doing, and how he wants to do it is not only sexy… it helps ensure you’ll actually find someone waiting for you when you arrive to play. The main reason I am a proponent of confidence, is because I’ve found that behaving confidently, (even when I stumble) helps preserve the headspace in the scene and covers for stumbles. So even if your dominant is new and makes mistakes, confidence will smooth out the experience.

- Listens: This should be VITAL to everyone reading this post. If you’re going to give your submission to a Sir, he should be clearly indicating he takes that trust seriously. Having to repeat yourself multiple times, re-clarify points, or instances where proves he didn’t understand what you said are all worrying. How can you relax and invest trust in someone who isn’t listening to your needs.

- Limits: A dominant that knows his limits, and actively asks after yours should be treasured. I fully understand the idea of “I have no limits as a sign of my submission”, but with respect I feel that’s either fantasy, or best saved for someone you have known for years and have a strong relationship with. A dominant who avoids talking about limits and seems generally dismissive of the topic is not someone I would advise meeting up with.

- After care: This one again varies in importance based on what you’re going to do. If you have an interest in impact play (paddles, canes, whips, crops) I would suggest asking how a dominant feels about aftercare. A new dominant could potentially take you to a level where you need aftercare for the first time (if you never have before) and knowing that he’ll be there to give you the care you need for at least a few minutes if you want it is important. A quick side note, some submissives who experience sub drop (an endorphin drop caused by the cessation of play which can cause a variety of altered mood states) do want to be left the FUCK alone. If you know that’s you, tell a Dom first. If you learn that’s you please explain it’s due to sub drop.

- Honest: Complete honesty is unnecessary, but if someone is telling you stories that don’t entirely make sense and they lack an explanation tying it all together? That’s a red flag. It too often leads to disappointment and misrepresentation to bother with.

- Personality: No, it’s not whether a dominant has one. Don’t be a smartass. You should consider and be able to explain the kind of dominant you’re looking for in terms of personality. Are you looking for an average guy with a dominant streak in the bedroom? Are you looking for a Sadist like @kinkythingsilike ? Do you want a good ole boy who bullies you like @domnator2? Do you want a guy who is charming, but slowly inexorably moves you towards what he wants (like James Bond)? Do you want a Brat Tamer? Do you want a pup master? Knowing the kind of personality that turns you on and being able to articulate it helps the dominant have an idea what kind of scene and feel would make you most submissive and have the most fun. It also helps a lot because you can at least inform dominants who contact you but aren’t your type that it’s simply a matter of personality conflict. It’s always useful for Doms to know why we didn’t make the cut.

Lessons for New Dominants

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Alexander Martin:

I spent a few hundred dollars and a number of hours training under a pro-dominant. I do not want to give away all that info out of respect for that dominant and how he makes his living, but there were some things I learned tangentially to his lessons that I believe newer dominants needing direction could benefit from.

- Be yourself: Specifically, I mean figure out whom YOU are as a dominant. You might watch Van Darkholme whip and flog boys and treat them roughly. That’s porn. I also believe he writes out all those scenes himself like a script so he can show them to would be submissives to make sure they’re ok with the described scene. So the porn you’re watching is his style. An expression of who he is as a dominant. It’s erotic because he is himself on camera and passionate about that play.

If you are not the kind of dominant who barks orders. Don’t do that just to fit a fantasy or stereotype. Do it because it’s who you are. Be confident that in the vast world of kink there is someone who will find you baring your dominant soul to the world hot. When you’re completely yourself and behind your own kinks, actions, and presentation nothing can make you feel more confident more powerful. That powerful confidence will catch the attention of everyone.

- Master yourself: You need to know yourself inside and out. Understand your behaviors and understand your kinks. If you can’t explain exactly why something is hot, then it becomes that much harder to communicate to a submissive exactly how you want him to behave to get you hard and ultimately reward him with your jizz. The better you understand yourself the better service you will ultimately be able to extract from submissives. Knowing yourself is something that morphs and changes because you morph and change over time. Knowing yourself is an ongoing process.

- Inspire submission: There is little you can do to a boy to MAKE him submit to you that cannot be classified as illegal if a submissive does not consent to it. That means that truly, the only power we have over submissives is in getting them to submit to us. More accurately, you must behave in a manner to inspire submission. Be sincere in your desire for service and show it by respecting a submissive that approaches you. Listen to what they have to say and prove you’ve heard them. Show you can be trusted and prove you take their trust and submission seriously (in whatever way you express yourself, so long as the message gets across).

- Discipline: It is also extremely important to cultivate self discipline, at least where bdsm is concerned, as a lot of dominance is about holding back. You CAN hit harder, but you don’t because the paddling is not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how you get your boy into a nice high via the pain caused by the paddling. Maybe you can get your boy to the point where you can hit him as hard as you can, but I would be surprised if that ever occurred right out of the gate. It’s something that should be built up to (if it’s ever achieved).

- Hone your skills: If you are into rope, you need to be able to tie knots on demand without reference and combine ties into a working piece. If you’re paddling a submissive, it’s important to be accurate about the area you’re hitting and have fine control over power and angle to produce different sensations. Ideally, one should have mastery over one’s skills, but that takes a ton of time and practice and realistically a lot of that practice will be on submissives. Make sure you’re aware of safety concerns with anything you’re trying and that you’re reading up on books, and articles about bdsm on a variety of topics so you’re as prepared as you can be to bring skills to bear to make submissives quiver with pleasure.

- Don’t drink your own kool aid: I’ve seen a LOT of dominants so caught up in the fantasy about how awesome they are or how hot they are that they cannot see the difference between reality and fantasy. Do not be one of those guys. Ego is hot and valuable but still be able to step back from it once the scene is over. Stepping down from the scene and being able to be a person once again is helpful for relating to submissives outside the bedroom. It’s true. Dominants are people too. Most of us anyways ;). So don’t be so self consumed that you drink your own kool aid.


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Alexander Martin:

This post is primarily for Dominants but perhaps boys will be interested in learning as well.

Layering is the act of placing an action, word, protocol, or anything else intended to make a submissive move into sub space. Layering is a tool a lot of doms use without even thinking about it. Here’s an easy example: Collar, leash, decorative rope work, having a boy call you Sir, having a boy naked in your presence, making a boy kiss your feet upon entering service, and capitalizing Sir when sending text messages. These are all layers.

Everyone is using them. So why discuss it? Layering just right, combining all different kinds of stimuli creates the experience. It takes a scene from enjoyable to unforgettable.

You want to hear out your boy’s fantasies.

You’ll want to know the right vocabulary for the guy you’re playing with.

You’ll want to consider what else could be done to the environment to enhance the scene.


Consider any special requirements you may have of the boy to get him in the right mindset.

Once you feel you’ve considered every angle of your scene (and i do often just make a list). Look critically at what you’ve pulled together and try to select the top five or top ten items that you want to layer together you feel are most effective. Too many more and a scene can feel a bit busy and the sub may have trouble determining where his attention should be.

This pic is a beautiful example of layering. Layering is when we utilize multiple effects to activate subspace within a boy. Think of layering like flavor added to a dish. When we use layering just right, the experience of sex becomes far richer than: “get hard, insert dick, cum”. And utilization of layering is what will distinguish between a master dominant and a newbie still cutting his teeth. I can see at least four things the dominant is doing simultaneously to activate subspace for this boy.

1) He has his hand on the boy’s head. This kind of touch is directive, relaying authority. It is comforting as well for a submissive to know his dominant is in charge but not overly aggressive about it.

2) The submissive is on all fours. This position brings to mind being fucked and it is a position generally unassumed in our daily life. That works to our favor as we can use the position to engrain the kind of reaction from a boy we want to envoke. I’ve seen boys so engrained with “all fours means play time” that they get hard simply getting on their hands and knees. And what more beautiful sight could we ask from our boys?

3) He’s using his scent to engage a boy’s nose and the salty flavor of a crotch to engage his mouth. Obviously, connection with the cock and balls is one of the easiest layers that everyone learns. The key here is that connection to your cock and balls is something that we use to focus a submissive on a service he is rendering for you. When his mind is focused like this, we like to think that everything else is blocked out, in reality his mind is most open to his environment and other stimulation because our mind is focused on such a simple task and there is room to process more.

4) He’s rubbing the boy’s hole. Rubbing seems simple at first blush but this is something that truly adds to his experience. We aren’t simply massaging the hole at a set pace and firmness. We need to vary the stimulation. Periodically go from a slow deep massage of his fuckhole to a brief but aggressive grabbing of his ass cheeks. It will give him a bit of a thrill and actually draw his attention away from anything else he might be doing for a moment. This variance in how you attend to your rubbing will create unexpected delights and reactions from him when you’re rough occasionally and they will also provide this very pleasant background sensation to his experience when your actions are smooth, pleasant, and unobtrusive.

Grooming and Presentation for a Sir

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Alexander Martin:

This felt like a natural extension to “How to find a Sir” and “What to look for in a Sir”. I’m specifically writing this for boys who seek a relationship with a Sir with whom to have a power exchange relationship, and seek to make the best first impression possible.

Any of this may come across sounding like common sense, but everything I mention below is work you already do then you’re ahead of the pack boy. Even if you do these things in preparation to meet a Sir, it can still act as a checklist to provide peace of mind.

It’s also worth mentioning that you should know what kind of appearance you don’t want to have. There are minor issues like having a shaved ass or a hairy ass that you might not mind doing for someone you serve, but if your look is the boy next door and he wants you to become a mohawk wearing punk… he’s probably not for you. Without further ado…

- Grooming:

- Beard: Beards should be trimmed to the contours of your face. Beards function to accentuate jaw lines and facial structures. If you’re not quite sure if your beard is a fit for your face, you can ask friends or a barber (not a stylist). A barber could also recommend other styles if you feel like trying something new as well as show you how to care for it.

- Clean Shaven: Stay clean shaven, super straight forward. If you can you may want to try to carefully run the razor against the grain. Doing so will make your face truly smooth no matter what direction hands are being run over you. You can in fact shave against the grain but you must do so with care and a light touch because if the skin bunches up you will get cut.

- Body hair: Ask about body hair. If your Sir wants an ass smooth ask if he has a preference between waxed and shaved. I hate shaving because on some men, they’ll grow a 5 o’clock ass shadow and it grates against my dick as I fuck. There are also plenty of guys who want a hairy ass and crotch. If that’s what he wants at least you can save yourself the time of shaving whatever you already have. I would recommend that any body hair be trimmed to be a consistent length or at least look neat. Having a neat, structured appearance shows the effort you went through to look good as well as how seriously you take service and first impressions.

- Scrub and moisturize: I strongly recommend facial scrubbing in the shower for any areas of dry skin. It is also worth using on any areas you expect to be touched. Neck, crotch, ass, and face. Moisturize after the shower as the scrub will dry out your skin a bit. I also recommend this particular brand if you don’t know what scrub to look for.


- Pre-lubed or not: If your encounter can or might lead to sex, ask your Sir if you should pre-lube. Note that if there will be a date prior where you’re walking around prior to fucking; it’s not practical as the lube will absorb or otherwise get out of position. If sex is the main event, I’d recommend applying about 30 minutes prior.

- Dress sharp: Whether you wear street clothes or a kink uniform, make sure that it fits well where it should but allows for movement. Put your best foot forward. Even if it’s “unnecessary” the confidence it will bring is important to the presentation.

-Details: Throughout all of this, the one thing you want to make sure of is the details of grooming, your outfit, your hair. There are far more details than i could possibly list hear, but i can assure you having seen a submissive who was so meticulous first hand, the effect was nothing less than instant unbridled lust. You will have a Sir’s complete attention if you can perfect your look.

Good luck boys!

Going On Prep And Going Condomless

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Anonymous asked :

What is your opinion of going on prep and going condomless?

Hey anon,

That’s quite a question. If I’m being honest though, that’s pretty much exactly what I’ve done.

I think that a greater degree of caution is necessary in undertaking this approach and that if you (like me) have a partner, you really need to discuss the implications should one of you pick up an STD. It’s helpful to have a plan in place well in advance for how to address such things.

I think that STDs really can’t be underestimated. The entire population is hardly riddled with disease, but there are enough out there and some that are even permanent, that you should be wary that PreP will only prevent HIV. If there are any vaccines for STDs that you can locally get access to (HPV comes to mind) it would be good to make sure you’re up to date on those.

I highly recommend being mindful of the sex practices of would be partners. As a top, don’t fuck anyone with a load in them, that’s the very best way to get STDs. Ask about whether the person likes to go out and get tons of loads on a daily basis. Try to make it seem as if you find the prospect of gangbang loads hot so the other person will not feel their answer is being judged. They’re more likely to be honest that way.

If someone wants to use condoms until you’ve met a few times and know each other better? That’s a good person to sleep with. Is the other person someone who meticulously keeps medical records of test dates and has that information ready for others to see. Sleeping with a single person raw as much and as long as you can make it last should be the ideal.

Ultimately? I think that condoms are a safer bet alongside PreP rather than a replacement for condoms. That’s my official recommendation. All of what I’ve written above? It’s acknowledging how many people aren’t choosing to use them in tandem (myself included).

Thanks so much for the question!

Need a neutral perspective? Having relationship troubles? Ask me anything!

Advice For A Boy During His First Locktober

Hello Sir, I love your blog! I was just wondering if you had any advice for a boy during his first Locktober?

Alexander Martin:

Hi Beta!

Uh, since this is your first Locktober I’ll keep my advice pretty generic and hope some of it is new to you.

Remove the hair - One of the most aggravating things about chastity is that the hair gets caught in the cage as you walk. This can result in pulling a hair out of your skin and sometimes cages even pinch skin as well. However, we can control the amount of hair for it to get caught in so remove it, whether that means shaving (if skin irritation as a result of shaving isn’t an issue for you) or waxing (on your crotch you might be able to do this alone, but it’s best to have a friend or lover assist). If you’re going to wax your cock, be sure to look up all the info you can online about how to wax safely. After all, your scrotum is a very thin layer of skin, there is no fat or muscle to protect your testicles so be VERY conscious of pouring hot wax onto it.

Keep clean - It is OK and appropriate to let it out periodically (once a week, or once every two weeks). Chastity cages can make it very difficult to get the skin cleaned up. Clean it up, towel it off, and put it away when you’re ready.

You can lend the key to a trusted friend - If you’re in need of someone else to hold onto it. You CAN lend it to a friend you trust to keep it safe without telling them what it is or what it’s for. Do make sure they’re organized because when Locktober is over, you… obviously need that key back… Or a pair of (small) bolt cutters and a new lock and key.

Chastity isn’t about how long you can go - Chastity is about finding the most sexually interesting and satisfying way to enjoy chastity. Some men find that when they’re constantly horny and locked they feel both secure and focused. They feel more ready and able to meet the demands of their Men at a moment’s notice. There are also guys who put a cage on for say… three months then take it off on a Friday and jack off all weekend coating their homes in jizz from their overfull balls. Whatever method works for you is the right way to do chastity.

If you can, share the secret with someone else - The most fun you can have is having it as a dirty little secret with a lover or FWB. Someone who can engage in that smile, wink, and nod with you when you’re out to brunch. Someone who can tease you mercilessly knowing there’s nothing you can do about it. Use Locktober to become closer with another person.

The entire purpose of Locktober as I understand it is to give people interested in trying chastity a reason, an excuse, and a time frame to try it out and see to what extent it works for them. Even if you find chastity isn’t for you that knowledge is as valuable as what IS for you. If you end Locktober and are beating yourself up for how you did? That’s how you do Locktober wrong.

Thanks for the question, and I hope you have a fun and frustrating month!!

Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Process Pain

Hundreds more articles like this can be found
at the Kink Mentoring Archives… Spread the word!

Alexander Martin:

I want to talk about how to handle pain being doled out by a Sir. If you want to get anything out of the intense experiences pain can bring then you’ll need to learn how to cope with physical pain.

When your nerves light up with pain, they are more awake than normal. So any sensation, pain or pleasure will be felt more intensely. That is why so often dominants alternate between pain and pleasure to take advantage of the intensity of sensation that can be achieved by stimulating raw nerves.

The point of processing pain is to help you cope with higher levels of pain. The more pain you can experience without undue stress, the more intense sensation play can be. It is a form of play that has a great deal of depth to it and the adrenal high further intensifies the experience and can strengthen bonding between top and bottom. Furthermore, learning to process pain is useful in day to day life, and in case someone hits you harder than you expected them to allowing you to recover without writhing.

To define my terms what I mean by “process pain” is a mental or physical trick you use to lessen the sensation of pain. As a child, when I skinned my knee my parents told me to simply wait and pain would end. The reality is that while pain may not be something that can be entirely suppressed it is still quite possible for you to deaden the sensation with a physical trick or willpower.

- The Three Types of Pain -

One of the other traps pain play tends to fall into is that there are essentially three types of pain and different people enjoy or hate different types of sensation and that can lead them to write off the entire practice if they happen across the one they like the least first.

- Thudding: This type of pain is usually inflicted by canes, crops, and paddles. It is pretty much what it sounds like. These toys often hit with a thud and that thud is impactful at a point and spreads a short distance from the impact. The pain can be intense but because it tends to spread out from the location of impact it is usually shorter lived.

- Stinging: Stinging pain is often inflicted by flogs and whips. Stinging toys impact and area and the pain does not spread but tends to sit on the location of the impact while taking longer to dissipate. I personally find the stinging sensation more difficult to manage because it takes longer to fade and thus can build up if the blows are too frequent and the submissive is inexperienced.

- Cutting: This kind of pain is usually inflicted by knives. I have very little experience with knife play and cannot comment on it much, but others have told me that intense whipping scenes can also simulate this sensation because whips can in fact slice open skin if desired. Cutting pain is derived from an actual injury rather than simply an impact, but like an impact it is of course possible to control how fine or coarse the pain is depending on the implement used and how. I would consider cutting pain to be something to be sought after once you feel you have a very trusted partner and experience dealing with pain play. It’s not for beginners.

- Techniques -

- Focus: This is probably one of the key components to most methods of processing pain. You need to shift your focus from the site and source of the pain to something that helps calm you. I’ll list some methods below but focus requires some personal discipline and practice to accomplish. So go slow when you first try pain play to give yourself some time to learn it right.

- Breathe through it: The first technique is the simplest. Breathe through it. Take deep breathes. Be careful about the speed at which you take the breaths. Too slow and you’ll get light headed and too fast and you’ll hyperventilate. The true point in breathing through it is to feel the oxygen fill your lungs. Your focus should be on breathing not the sensation of pain. Breathing is such a simple process but with some practice you can begin to feel pain being breathed out which can help much more quickly dull the harsher sensations.

- Clenching: All you need to do is squeeze down on with your fist on a pillow, ball, mattress, almost anything soft that won’t be destroyed by your grip. The objective here is to grip hard and focus on maintaining that grip with pressure. The pressure will actually make the experience of pain deaden a bit as you grip.

- Biting: This technique is something you should do very sparingly. It involves biting down on something soft (such as a gag). I don’t recommend this technique because you can damage your teeth or your jaw. It is useful primarily as management for more intense play when you are unable to manage the aforementioned techniques. If you’re strapped to a Saint Andrew’s cross and your dominant hits you a bit too hard you can bite down on the gag as a method for management.

- Meditation: Meditation is not something I would recommend in the moment but it is a useful precursor practice to experiencing pain. There are more resources out there for meditation than I could ever list so poke around and see what works for you. Meditation is a useful thing to practice to learn to control your body and your mind. If you are a particularly anxious person I also recommend it as a way to learn to self soothe. Anxiety will heighten the experience of pain and can lead to panic if you’re not careful.

- Almost ouch: This isn’t so much a technique for processing pain as it is for learning your limits. For the newest of players you want to be hit at a speed, pressure, and angle that is uncomfortable but doesn’t quite hurt. You should not be starting out simply getting wailed on as hard as the top can manage. You should build up to it because doing so floods your mind with endorphins which in addition to everything else above allows even better pain tolerance (and a nice natural high) which can build up more endorphins creating some truly outstanding sensations and head space. It’s a good line because it will redraw itself as your mind’s capacity for accepting pain changes and expands.

How to find a Sir

Hundreds more articles like this can be found
at the Kink Mentoring Archives… Spread the word!

Alexander Martin:

This is the one question I get asked non-stop online. So, let’s preface the FUCK out of this post.

What this post is for:

- Boys who have literally just decided to delve into BDSM.

- A general pointer in some directions

- A complimentary post to the etiquette post.

What this post is not:

- I’m not dismissing anyone’s challenges inherent in dating.

- I’m not guaranteeing this WILL land you a man.

- This isn’t accounting for your personal approach to men or service.

If you live in a city:


I would start by Google searching your local leather bar. On the East Coast in the US almost all “Eagle” bars are leather bars. Try searching on Eagle [insert your city].

The next place to search for is dungeons in your city. Even if the dungeons are primarily straight clientele (they probably will be) they’re worth checking out because straight folks love to hook up gay men like they’re tying up loose ends or something. If you find a dungeon, I suggest volunteering to help out. It will ingratiate you to other folks, get you in for free, and give you an opportunity to socialize.

Hop onto Recon and Fetlife and create a profile. I’ll talk about what you should have in your profile under the etiquette post.

Attend munches! Munches are purely social meals usually held when a Sunday brunch would be. They are intended as a casual place to get to know someone before engaging in play. In fact, no one should be playing at a munch. That is a big social fopah. Munches are also useful because kinksters talk about each other. If someone is spoken of poorly, do make sure you get a few opinions. Sometimes, bad blood exists between two kinksters and if you ask someone about their ex don’t be surprised if they have a negative opinion.

If you live in a suburban area:

That’s tricker. Like you kinksters probably do live in your area, but it is rare for established kink gay bars to be located too far out from public transit of a city. You’ll probably end up going into the city and making some kinkster friends and then luring them back to your place for parties. Just follow through on most of the advice above.

If you live in a rural area:

This is a really bad place to live if you’re in for kink. The best advice I can give is set up recon and fetlife and try to see if you can find someone locally. You may not be able to, but do maintain the profile. If someone else in your area tries the same thing, you don’t want them to see a blank search result like you did… you want them to find you.

Travel will be your best friend. Vacation in major cities, get out to the dungeons and bars in those cities and maximize your time. If possible move. If kink is a really important part to your sex life this is probably the best thing for you. If it’s something that would be fun and you could live without, then you can stop reading here.

Know what you’re looking for:

This may sound obvious but this one seems to elude a lot of people. Know the kind of dominant that turns you on. What’s his personality like? What’s his build like? What MUST he be into? What are some optional interests you’d like him to have? How old is he?

Keep in mind, you may not find a PERFECT man, but it’s important to have a clearer sense what you’re looking for. As Dan savage is fond of saying, most of us have to “round up to the ‘one’.” Once you have that in mind, summarize it down to the key points and put it in your online profile. Yeah, many men don’t read them, but some do and those who do can self select if they know your tastes.

Self improvement:

So you know what your optimal guy looks like. Do YOU look like that? A lot of gay men look like the kind of men they want to fuck. You do NOT have to change your entire appearance if doing so would make you intensely unhappy, but just be aware that opposites do attract, but do so more rarely in the gay community. Work on your shape and see if you can match the body type of your dreams more closely.

What skills do you have? Are you a good cook? Are you a diligent cleaner? Do you know how to boot black? Are you a masseuse? Emphasize those. And if you don’t have a skill, learn one, hone it, and take some pride in it. You want something to make yourself stand out a little. There are a LOT of subs out there and a skill you can emphasize on top of looking the part and having the right kinks will make you seem like the full package, like someone no smart dominant could pass up having in their life.

Be self confident. I cannot stress this one too much. How you get there is up to you but when you get there be sure you believe that dominants want you.


I’m going to address this more fully in another post as I found it too much to put here. Don’t scoff! @bredbeta serves me because he looked the part, and was exceedingly polite. It was such a breath of fresh air I made him mine.

And that’s largely it. That should be a good way for everyone to at least get started and get some kinksters in your friend circle. Next up, read up on etiquette! Good luck.