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2020-07-03 FMSD Planning Meeting 7-5

Hey guys!

Hope your week is going well and you’re keeping safe! We will be having a planning meeting this Sunday (7/5) at 4pm-6pm. Wanting to learn about the Pup lifestyle? Want to learn about flogging? Curious about CBT? Would you like more social time via Zoom, perhaps with games? 

We would love for you to join us and let us know what YOU would like to learn for future zoom sessions. We are racking our brains to come up with future topics to discuss and we need your help! 

If you would love to join please email SignMeUpForEvent {at] Gmail for the login information. 

What: FMSD Planning Group Meeting
When: Sunday, 5 July 2020, 4-6pm
Where: Zoom, request info from SignMeUpForEvent {at] GMail