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2018-06-12 Looking for Volunteers

Howdy Gentleman! This is a shorter post, but please look forward to a longer one (as per usual) later this week!

With Desire coming to a close, the folks over at the compound could use some help unloading the dungeon equipment. If you're available, please reach out for the address. They'll be arriving around 2:30 and will provide dinner. (Plus! They were our generous hosts for this weekends party!)

I (Doriam) am looking for someone to take over keeping the blog current. The schedule of events is put together pretty well in advance, but with the limited time we on the Leadership team have between travel, work, family and such we've let the blog slip through our fingers.

If you are interested in helping Me/Us with the blog, please reach out to me directly at DoriamFMSD@GMail.com

Thank you!

In Service,
Doriam C