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2017-10-18 Announcement NEW Volunteer Program

Table of Contents

I. Thank You & Volunteers
II. Volunteers Needed
III. Who Qualifies?
IV. What Do I Get?
V. Fingers Crossed

I. Thank You & Volunteers

First, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this posting. In an organization like this, the involvement of our membership as volunteers is imperative for continued success and growth. Without YOU, this club can not and will not thrive; so again, Thank You for considering becoming a part of our Volunteer Program.

Volunteers come in several different forms. From Ambassadors who are willing to be visible members of FMSD to welcome the new folk, to Dungeon Monitors ensuring that our members are playing safely within the Dungeon Space and Guidelines, to our very own Leadership Positions -- No volunteer position is any more important than the next, and all are needed for the success of Fetish Men San Diego. As you go through this post, you'll learn more about our Volunteer Program, keeping in mind that some positions will be added/removed as events require them.

If you find that Volunteering isn't in the cards for you right now, we completely understand - but please keep an open mind, and encourage our Brothers to take a look, you never know who the next diamond in the rough will be!

II. Volunteers Needed

These lists will be split between Specific Events & On-Going Volunteer Positions, as well as Special Request positions by the FMSD Leadership.


Event Specific:

FMSD Leadership

III. Who Qualifies?

To Volunteer, the only prerequisite is that you ATTEND a Fetish Men San Diego event! After which, we ask that you email DoriamFMSD@GMail.com with what you are interested in volunteering for; you may be asked a few questions thereafter as well.

For Ambassadors, Instructors, and Hosts we recommend you have a willingness to be extroverted and welcoming to the new folk, as it makes the position much easier on you. For DMs, we ask that you have a good grasp on multiple forms of play and that you know what to look for to prevent risk; we can train if needed.

For most first-time volunteers, you may be paired with another volunteer to shadow and see the requirements of the position before being left on your own.

IV. What Do I Get?

Promotion Flyer 9/2/17 (Past)
You may have noticed the bracketed text after each volunteer position above. If you did not, they read:
"[This position] be will be given [#]VP per [source]."
What this means is that each position will award the acting volunteer with a number of Volunteer Points (VP) that the Leadership will keep track of. Volunteer Points can be used at a 1VP-to-1$ Ratio when purchasing tickets to events.

For Example:
Johnny has 10VP and wants to attend the Big Party in February, which costs $25. Johnny cashes in his 10VP and pays the $15 difference for the event.
Additionally, if you are volunteering for an event, you are invited to attend the event for free - except for parties. If you are Volunteering for a party, you will be asked to purchase a reduced cost ticket for the portion that you will not be volunteering during.

For Example:
Johnny volunteers for First Shift DM at the February Party ($25) from 8p-10p, he earns 6VP for working his shift, and instead of paying for the entirety of the party, he pays instead $15.
Volunteer Points may NOT be used at the same party they are earned. In the example above, Johnny has 6 points added to his account for the next event, but still has to pay the $15.

V. Fingers Crossed

The Leadership of FMSD has been trying to figure out a way to give more to our volunteers. We are hoping that by gaining your involvement, and by growing our organization, we may be able to give one more big reward to the Volunteers.

Come July, we would like to be able to take up-to 5 Volunteers with us to Up Your Alley in San Francisco as a Thank You for your involvement with FMSD! We will announce the Gentleman who we feel have committed themselves as volunteers in June. There is a lot of work that will go in to making this happen, so please stay tuned!

In Service,
Doriam C