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2016-12-21 Introducing Doriam Couto

cing Doriam Couto

Introducing Doriam Couto:

Ever since my energies and ideas have wound down, I have searched for a man who could bring NEW energy and ideas to the huge FMSD social circle. 

As we enter into 2017, a new face has arrived among us. Doriam Manuel Couto reminds me very much of myself, waaaay back when I first stepped into being a community leader, when I was around the same age as he is now. 

He is passionate, idealistic, full of deeply practical ideas, and with deep and razor-sharp insight.  I trust him completely. 

Like me, he has taken the Meyers-Briggs personality test, with a very similar result.  We are rare. Not everyone "gets" us, but oh, my - we get results. 

So, expect to hear a lot from him in the coming months.  But, FAR more importantly:

As a personal favor to me, please support him, and show up for his events. Love him with an open heart, please. This is crucial. I could name a hundred men who rose up, expended a huge amount of idealistic energy, and who then dropped away when they didn't get the loving support that we owe to our youth. 

Let's all stand shoulder-to-shoulder so that this young powerhouse can stand upon our shoulders. Don't pre-judge him by his age, or his Facebook profile. I know the rest of him. Please trust that I have spent solid time getting to know him, and I absolutely vouch for all of his many virtues. 

He is a refreshing breath of oxygen for the community of kinky men in San Diego.  You haven't seen his lists of rock-solid plans going forward, but I have, and I can't think of any way to improve upon them. 

Doriam is the Real Deal.  Welcome to our good brother!