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2015-10-27 Slowing Down During Holiday Season

Note from Tony:

Every year at this time, this announcement gets posted - It's very difficult for any affinity-group to maintain a regular schedule during the holiday season…

The calendar fills up with competing, specific holidays, office parties, family visits, distractions, and a zillion competing events, scattering everybody's energy.

So, every year, we choose to take it easy, slow down, and start hatching plans for the new year. There are ideas that are hatching to start off the New Year with a major, exciting BANG, to get everybody's blood boiling after spending too much time with family, and scarfing down food and drink that isn't doing us much good.

Watch this space for further developments, and have a GREAT holiday season!

From Scott Smith:

As we move into the end of the calendar year other social and familial commitments become more prominent. Please note the following Wednesdays FMSD will not have a discussion and, and these are the topics that we will have for the balance of 2015:

28 Oct: DARK - no meeting (Wednesday of this week)
4 Nov: Jerry - Topic: "Surrender"
11 Nov: Rod - "On-Line Tips & Techniques"
18 Nov: DARK - no meeting
25 Nov: Potluck Social - Familyless Fetish Feast ... or ... Gear Invasion @external location (DARK at The Stomping Ground)
2 Dec: Jerry - Topic: TBD
9 Dec: DARK - no meeting
16 Dec: DARK - no meeting
23 Dec: DARK - no meeting
30 Dec: DARK - no meeting