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2015-08-04 FMSD Planning Group results, 4 August 2015

The FMSD Planning Group met this evening, 4 August 2015, and came up with topics for almost all of the balance of the calendar year. The FMSD Google Calendar reflects the topics listed here.

How did we dream up this stuff? We listened to what the men in the group have said they are interested in hearing, seeing, learning, and doing. Would you like to present or have an idea for a discussion, instruction, hands-on demo, or a practical skill? Please (!) let us know!

We need hosts and greeters. If you're interested or curious, please let us know.

-- The secret agenda: Men who step up to the challenge of presenting, hosting, facilitating, or supporting FMSD in any of numerous ways will experience being supported by other men in FMSD to be the best they can be. You need not do it all by yourself or alone. It's easy enough to ask for help and the group will support you. Try It! You might be awesome at it!

5 Aug: (Jerry) Discussion: Consent and other fun/important stuff
12 Aug: (Rod) Discussion: The Penis: Friend or Foe?
19 Aug: (Steve) Discussion: PrEP/Truvada & Local Health Resources
26 Aug: (SBS) TBD - Scott will reach out for a presenter

2 Sep: (Jerry) Discussion: Topic TBD
9 Sep: (Magnum) First of Three: Agism
16 Sep: (Magnum) Second of Three: Are you getting, and asking, for what you want?
23 Sep: (Magnum) Third of Three: Speed Date-A-Round
30 Sep: (All) Pot Luck Social & Stories from Folsom 2015

6 Oct: TUESDAY: FMSD Planning Group meeting
7 Oct: (Jerry & Skip) Eat, Drink, and Fuck like a First Century Greek
14 Oct: (SBS) TBD - Scott will reach out for a presenter
21 Oct: (Frank) Sensory Deprivation
28 Oct: (Rod) On-Line Sites, Tips, Techniques

4 Nov: (Jerry) Discussion: Topic TBD
11 Nov: 
18 Nov: 
25 Nov: (All) FFF: Familyless Fetishmen Feast

2 Dec: (Jerry): Discussion: Topic TBD
9 Dec: 
16 Dec: 
23 Dec: DARK - No Meeting. Go be with friends and family. See you next year!
30 Dec: DARK - No Meeting. Go be with friends and family. See you next year!

Some changes will occur and details will be added to the calendar events when known.

Do you see an error or discrepancy in the calendar? Please let me know so it can be fixed. Thanks!