2015-03-26 Photos from Electro Play Demo Night, and Mike's Ceremony
The superb, professional-quality photos are by our brother Scott Smith
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Pre-event publicity from Mike:
This Wednesday's topic for discussion is one that I've always wanted to talk about and view.
This will be a split discussion. For the first hour we will go over basics, introductions and backgrounds of electro play. The second hour will be a hands-on demo! If you have never experienced it before then this is one discussion you don't want to miss.
Anyone up for being a stunt bottom for this demo?? If so, inbox me and let's chat some.
From Papa Tony:
First of all, it was a FULL HOUSE. Every chair was taken. Folks appear to have settled into our new home very nicely.
Our brother Duke demonstrated the sub-genre of electro-play known as "
Violet Wand", using his vast collection of accessories to show how fun it could be. Duke was relaxed, humorous, playful, intimate and a constant source of exciting and practical information. He has a very warm style, and he had the crowd enthralled at all points.
That light at the end of the device? It's a plain old, clear light-bulb! I had no idea. Lee was one of our stunt-bottoms, and he has a vast amount of experience with violet wands.
Boy tyler also volunteered, and was a REALLY good sport, given how much we all put him through!
Then, an electrode was placed under the strap of Tyler's jock, causing him to become an electrode himself.
Clearly, he is a patriotic young sailor! He must must be experiencing three really good, new ideas!
Tyler was blindfolded during this portion, to help fool him into believing that he was being sliced and diced. (I suspect that he was wise to Duke's ways, because he seemed pretty calm).
In reality, Duke was conducting electricity through the points on a
Wartenberg wheel, rolling along Tyler's body. The sensation is very sharp and focused.
Then, the men in the crowd were invited to come up and lightly touch Tyler's vulnerable flesh, and everywhere that we touched, little sparks would ignite across the gap.
In summation:
The men were thrilled, the mood was light, and everybody went away knowing more than they did before. The evening was a perfect expression of what our brotherhood is about.
Mike's Ceremony
Mike Brock has been moderating our discussions for the last few months, and has grown in leadership and confidence ever since he started.
He was asked to do this work because of his natural charisma and leadership. He regularly creates mini-events where everyone involved goes home extra-happy. Lately, these events have been at the Eagle, where he has shown up, used a flogger in exciting ways upon one man, and then turned around to find an eager line of volunteers for the next session.
Those men wouldn't be stepping up if they weren't reassured by his obvious caring, sensitivity and skills. I started teaching Mike flogging months ago, and gave him the assignment of watching my
one-hour instructional video (watched over 20,000 times in less than one year). He watched it twice!
Clearly, all of his practice and caring have served him very well, because I met with him yesterday, and had him flog ME, as his final exam. I told him to pretend that I was a shy, worried beginner, and to show me his best work. Afterward, I rated him at 100 out of 100 points. Pure pleasure.
As we were parting, I told him to bring me the flogger that I had presented to him a few months ago, when he came to the Electro Demo. He did so, and I called him up to the front of the room for a ceremony, with all of the men in attendance as witnesses.
I handed him back the flogger, and then had him hold it and bless it, for the "Next Man". I have no idea who that man is, but I will know him when I see him.
teach Tops every week, and nearly every day. I spend around 30-40 hours every week, mentoring and coaching. Why? Because I would pay any price to see more happy, confident and well-loved Tops, Sirs and Masters in our community. That inevitably leads to happy, secure and well-loved boys, slaves, bottoms and submissives.
In an Internet age where it's all too easy to lose connection with each other, I am driven to be a Leather
Yenta, connecting men to each other, and
blessing their relationships. As an Elder in the Tribe, I take this work very seriously.
I asked that the "Flogger for the Next Man" be handed around the room to be blessed by every man, to continue a tradition of teaching (and excelling) that is working so well in our community.
With every man as witness, I publicly claimed Mike as my Leather Son. As I explained to the men present, this means that I have taken him under my wing as a special relationship. He will be receiving extra helpings of affection, care and support as time goes by. This relationship goes on for years.
In honor of Mike's achievements and dedication, I presented him with a perfectly-matched pair of
Mister Thuddy floggers from FlogMeBaby.com - they were built to my specifications, because I want my brothers and sisters to have the best-quality flogger, for a tiny fraction of the
usual, high-markup price. I get zero kickbacks or giveaways from this.
Mike has mastered the "Two-Beat Weave" style of Florentine Flogging (this requires two matched floggers), and I look forward to teaching him even more styles.
I handed him these tokens of my esteem, knowing that hundreds and hundreds of happy bottoms will thank me for it!