2014-08-20 Florentine Flogging Lessons with Travis, Part One
Calling All Tops!
Tuesday, August 26, 6PM - RSVP to SignMeUpForEvent @gmail.com for location.
See the bottom of this message for prerequisites.
Our own Travis will be teaching FMSD Tops how to do Florentine Flogging (meaning, using two identical floggers simultaneously).
Travis will be teaching those of us who are ALREADY FAMILIAR WITH BASIC FLOGGING, since this is an advanced technique. If you aren't yet familiar, you WILL be used as a flogging bottom!
If you're not prepared with your flogging skills, don't worry - Everybody will get their chance, and we won't leave anybody behind in the months to come. We want the maximum number of cocky, empowered and handsome Tops swaggering into a party with floggers dangling from their belts!
This same technique also works with whips.
- Be comfortable with throwing a flogger one-handed.
- If you do not possess two identical floggers (I get mine from FlogMeBaby.com, and I suggest the
Mr. Thuddy for $45 each)…
… take two identical hand-towels (nothing bigger), and tightly roll them thusly, and secure them with rubber bands:
Or, just bring matched hand-towels to the event, and we will supply rubber bands. These items will be used to learn the Florentine form of movement during this workshop.