Photos by Scott Smith, our intrepid historical documentarian!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014:
Leatherboy Jon organized this successful event. Here is what he posted:
"Tawk amongst yourselves! I'll give you a topic..." Okay, you guys are interesting and intelligent. You'll figure that part out on your own.
Wednesday, May 7th, 7PM: Men's Discussion at Mission Gathering. Instead of our usual focused-discussion format, which limits sociable time, this event is ALL about being sociable.
If your last name starts with:
A-K: Bring a salad/appetizer/side dish.
L-Z: Bring a main dish.
Please try to avoid pizza or fried chicken, if you can!
From Papa Tony:
After everybody ate and mingled for an hour or so, we went into Announcement and Presentation Time:
First, Mr. San Diego Leather 2013 Eli talked about his upcoming fundraiser, and then Mark Conlan asked me to step up for a presentation.
He presented me with a check, on behalf of FetishMenSanDiego.
Way back on January 1, 2002, I created a leathermen's group called the San Diego League of Gentlemen (SDLOG). It was meant to be a clone of the Old Guard-style leathermen's affinity-groups that had been around for decades in other cities (such as Avatar in Los Angeles, and Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert), but which had never taken root in San Diego's local culture.
We gave it a very good run, but the Internet has interfered with traditional-style affinity-groups. Younger generations have no cultural experience with committing to a club, and they can't imagine why they would want to wear a uniform for formal events, vote for a board of directors, pay dues, and otherwise commit to membership duties.
Nowadays, folks can just click on a link, and poof! they have moved onward. That's why FetishMenSanDiego is working so well in the modern age. We started fresh, with a clean sheet of paper.
SDLOG finally went out of business in the last few years. So, Mark did the entirely honest, honorable and wonderful gesture of donating the remains of SDLOG's bank-account to Club X, and FMSD. He could easily have just used the money to buy himself a nice vacation or something, but he is not that kind of man.
At the potluck, we had a discussion about what should be done with the finances. As it stands, we plan to use it to benefit at least one local charity. More info soon.
This was a perfectly-organized and run event, just like so many others that we've enjoyed. We can all relax and take our successes for granted, because of the deep intimacy and trust that we share. This is a true brotherhood, and this event proves it, once again.