2013-09-13 San Diego Eagle PUP 2014 Contest, Oct. 19, 2013
Note from Tony:
This event is being put together by a team headed by our own Dayton O'Connor,
so you KNOW that it will be a spectacular, well-run and exciting event.
He's got a community leadership track-record a mile long!
The San Diego Eagle PUP 2014 Contest is a NEW Leather Title. Its goal is to set a new standard for San Diego's handler and pup community. It will occur on Saturday, October 19th, 2013, starting at 8PM.
Be the first to represent this NEW title. With the recent burst of interest in the Handler/pup fetish community and with all of the exciting things happening for OUR San Diego Leather LGBT community, we believe it is time to add a new title. This could even lead to an International title some day.