Note from Tony: This is a wonderful, superb thing to do - Every year, we help to set up and tear down the Leather Realm that occurs during the Pride Festival in late July every year. I will be volunteering again this year, and folks who show up and work side-by-side with me get extra Brownie Points. The more volunteers, the sooner everything gets done.
From Christi Campbell, our wonderful leader:
Organizations, merchants, artists, presenters, assistants, and volunteers hear us shout FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
High shine boot, pinchy, pokey, sweaty, teary, smooth, joyous, boob smashin, leather, cotton, groping, butt rubbin, individual, bitey nibbles, polyester, monkey climbing, clean smelling, boot worshiping, hairy, belt buckle locking, group collaboration, oh you're new, dusty boot, toe stubbing, welcome home, celebrating FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HUGS!!!!!
What do you have to do to claim your piece and part of this special and spectacular offer you maybe asking????
Well visit us at the San Diego Leather Realm July 13th and 14th.
Seriously the best parts to be offered are FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
You've read correctly, FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No donations required, no hidden fees or delivery charges...1000% and ABSOLUTELY FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!HUGS
However for a limited time we have an additional offer including some beautiful fringe benefits and the FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HUGS. Should you choose to take some time to participate in the annual San Diego Leather Realm we will unlock the doors to all the fringe benefit details the community and we have to offer!!!
That's right for a few moments of your time you can have the all-inclusive package of 1000% and ABSOLUTELY FREE!!FREE!!FREE!!!!!!!!!!!HUGS and the fringe benefits of the San Diego Leather Realm!!!!!
We must remind you this sincere offer is only being extended for a limited time!!! So you must act soon to be receiving this all-inclusive package offered only through this channel.
Join us as a volunteer today ......….
Send an email to calicogardens1 @