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2013-02-07 Review of Titleholder Appreciation Social, February 2, 2013

In my usual, highly-enthusiastic way, I sold the hell out of the two events planned for Saturday, February 2, 2013.

I'm glad to say that I was right. 

Both events were strongly Tribal, heartfelt, FUN, and added to our local history in a way that meant something wonderful and long-lasting.

Cigars & Boots at Numbers

The purpose of this event was to show support for the men who will be running for the title of Mr. San Diego Eagle 2013, two weeks after this event. 

Contestants and well-wishers:
W = Daniel Woodward
M = Derek Morado
P = Jay Palmer
(Rob Rodriguez had not yet announced 
his intentions to run at this time)

We also celebrated the outgoing titleholder Mr. San Diego Eagle 2012 Eli, for his many, many accomplishments:

Eli's list of title year events:

Tattoo contest 22 march
Underwear contest 24 march monthy event
Auction baskets for Kurt and I
Supported LA fetish weekend
Pup play night
Stud party with Michael Brandon/got flogged
Bus trip to long beach 15 April
Jock Auction raised $415 and underwear contest as well 23 June
Belt party hosted/ did demos 30 June
San Diego pride helped set up and walked in leather 7pm
Palm Springs pride walked with leather group and did demo for leather realm
Nicky awards voting party @eagle
Co-hosted LA Eagle hot summer nights event raising $1400
LL Bear belt preview
Hosted stud night
Hosted bus trip to LA
Leather and lace
Supported LA Eagle contest
Titleholder bootcamp
Southwest leather conference with Aaron and Wish
B&B corp gathering
Judging leather cub Phoenix in April
Table captain at CLAW/ volunteer

As the was reading this list, he was interrupted periodically, and more of his good deeds were pointed out as well.

Here is a video-clip of Eli's speech

Then, we took the time to honor our brother Mike Pereyra, who represented San Diego when he won International Mr. Leather 1988, 25 years ago. Here is a video clip from his speech. Mike was there to provide historical continuity for our brothers who seek to be community-leaders.

From left:
Mr. San Diego Leather 2012 Aaron Duke
Ms. San Diego Leather 2012 Wish Linda
International Mr. Leather 1988 Mike Pereyra 
Mr. San Diego Eagle 2012 Eli

There was a very nice, sizable swarm of people who flowed into and out of the event during three hours. All wishing our brothers well, and all knowing our shared Tribal history is secure.