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2013-02-01 Upcoming Events

IML at the Vic. Staff at the IML Executive office just announced that the Friday and Saturday International Mr. Leather 2013 (IML) contest events - Opening Ceremonies and Pecs and Personality - will be held at the world-famous Vic Theater. The Vic is located in Lakeview and is on the edge of Boystown.

Frankly, if you are planning to attend IML at ALL, NOW would be the time to make travel plans. It will be too late to get into the host hotel before long.

Upcoming Events

These two events are an inter-city Family Reunion for FetishMen from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Palm Springs and San Diego:

Saturday, Feb 2, 4-7PM: Cigars & Boots at Bourbon Street at 4612 Park Blvd - This is the big one. Read the info carefully. If you care about Tribe AT ALL, you will be there.

Saturday, Feb 2, 9:30PM: HUGE Gear Night at the Eagle, at 3040 North Park Way - We will be greeting the statewide gathering of the California B&B Corps. If you have gear, you'll never have a better reason to show it off!

Next week:

Tuesday, February 5th, 7PM: the men of FMSD are starting a new, "HANDS-ON DEMOS" educational series of events at theSan Diego Eagle, at 3040 N Park Way. Bring toys if you have any, bring your interest, and don't be shy about asking to try something out. There will be floggers, paddles, rope-tying practice, and trustworthy, nice and supportive men to practice (or learn) with.

One of the things about the weekly Men's Discussions that please me:
Meeting is over, chairs are put away, and nobody wants to leave.

Wednesday, February 6th: The Men's Discussions continue the current topic of SexSexSexSexSex. We are bonding better as true friends, and frankly, a lot of romantic couples are forming as a result of these discussions. Rather than being in a high-pressure "DATING RIGHT NOW" environment, our brothers are quietly observing the men around them being open, vulnerable, authentic and bluntly truthful. As a result, the attraction RISES, because you get to see a side of somebody that you don't normally see on the first few dates. This has been true for a while, but it has intensified since we took the discussions to a deeper, more "risky," more exposed level. The payoff has been INCREDIBLE. The Men's Discussions continue to be an easy opportunity for personal breakthroughs.

Friday, February 8, 10PM: Harness Party at Numbers Bar, at 3811 Park Blvd. Please read this review from last month, or read this article about the one this month, and SHOW UP if you care about Tribal joy!