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2012-11-30 Sending Love and Including Our Brothers Who Are Far Away

On Wednesday, November 28th, we did something very, very modern.  
Our brother leatherboy James recently shipped out, and has been adjusting to life on the other side of the earth in Afghanistan. He is going to need some time to fit into some very different circumstances.  During the transition-time, he has been a bit homesick, so we organized a Group Hug for James at our Men's Discussion:
That's him on my iPad, live from Afghanistan, letting us know that he is okay, and getting the love that he deserves.  James organized a Gear Night Dinner just before he shipped out, and he plans to do more community leadership once he gets back.

Here's to his safe return!

We will continue to do this same thing as time goes by, because several of our brothers are elsewhere on behalf of our military, and Skype and other services are free of cost for this sort of thing.