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2012-11-14 Titleholder Boot Camp

Sunday, January 20, 2012 from 11AM – 6PM.  
Location will be announced shortly.

Have you been thinking about running for the title of Mr San Diego Eagle or Mr San Diego Leather in 2013?  Here is your opportunity to learn 

- what you need to do to prepare for the contest, 
- what happens at the contest, and 
- what you can expect after you win the title.  

The LA Band of Brothers in conjunction with Mr San Diego Leather  2012 – Aaron Duke and Mr San Diego Eagle 2012 – Eli Correa will put on a one day event here in San Diego to help guide you on your path to the competition stage.  

This event is put on in LA every year by the LA Band of Brothers, and we are fortunate that they are coming to share with us.  Even if you are not ready to take the plunge and run for a title, this is a great education opportunity for you to learn about the title system, understand what the judges are looking for, and what titleholders responsibilities are to their community.