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2012-11-14 LET THEM EAT CAKE Aaron's Birthday Celebration

Mr San Diego Leather 2012 – Aaron Duke’s Birthday Celebration
Saturday, January 19, 2013 from 4-7PM at Babycakes3766 Fifth Ave

Please join Mr San Diego Leather 2012- Aaron Duke at Babycakes to celebrate his 33rd birthday.  This is a casual social event.  The bar is always open and food available for purchase.  We will celebrate Aaron’s birthday with cupcakes provided from Babycakes.  All are welcomed for an afternoon event.  Our brothers from LA will be in town and at this event.  They would love to meet you all and see why our community is so wonderful in San Diego.  They will also be joining us for LL Bear at Rich’s before presenting the Titleholder Boot Camp on Sunday.