2012-08-26 UPDATE; Last Nights Contest Results
I will be writing a MUCH more detailed review for this next week's newsletter (I have 552 photos to go through, first!). However, I know that many of you wanted to know how the contest went.
The picture tells the story - The judges, volunteers and producers created and ran an excellent and vividly interesting contest together as a team to support our new community leaders and volunteers.
The crowd was fully supportive of our brothers and sister onstage, and the emcees kept the snappy banter flowing. When the judging was done, and we all headed off to the banquet, the winners were announced:
Scotty and
Kane put everything they had into showing us what they are made of. Both men have been superb and dedicated volunteers in past events, and we still need them among us as strong brothers, even if there isn't a title involved.
I am throwing together a social event later this week to share the love with everybody who was involved in the process.
My favorite part was the utter, universal commitment to showing love for our contestants. Every human being present was unified in a desire to be the wind beneath our local heroes' wings. It speaks very well for our continuing upward progress as a community.