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2012-08-25 Mr. & Ms. SD Leather 2012 Contest

At long last, cooperation between the sexes! The two contests were finally joined together. Unfortunately, the venue was moved fifty miles east, outside in the dust, heat and fire ants. And the August HEAT, rather than in temperate March of each year. The few places of lodging meant that attendees had to drive up, watch the show, and then drive home. Then, do it again the next day. Most folks were NOT willing to make the trip. So the crowd was small.
To add to the confusion, "San Diego Leather Pride" was renamed to "JAUNT". After a few years, everything got switched back. Other than tracking down new titleholders who we all hope will become community leaders, the most important plan for an event like this is to raise money for charity. Can't do much of that if there are only a few dozen spectators.

A very good contest!

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