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2012-08-07 A Personal Request

I'm not above using a little emotional blackmail… :->

I don't ask for much in return for what I do, working every single day to build a strong, happy and unified community of gay fetishmen. So, now I get to ask a favor:

Please come to Movie Night this next Wednesday, August 15th, 7PM at the North Park Birch Theater.  I would be thrilled if we could completely fill the place and make it a smash-hit event. I would be greatly pleased to see you and your friends there.


Because we are reaching a new breakthrough point in our local Tribe's growth. Folks in many other cities are watching our progress, and hoping to use what we are doing in their own cities. We're MILES ahead of other communities, and I'd like to see if San Diegans (and other gay fetishmen everywhere) are ready for our next phase of development.

If we can sell-out the theater, and enjoy a joyful, unified, brotherly evening that doesn't have to include cheap beer or getting our dicks wet, it means that we truly have become a true Tribe, and aren't just a really big pile of isolated individuals who happen to share a few common interests.

I plan to document this event thoroughly, for the eleven other cities that are starting to emulate what we are doing. This event's success will be highly symbolic to a lot of people for a long time after this. Businesses, affinity-groups and new members will see tangible evidence that we can really pull together when it means something.

Pretty please?