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2012-07-31 San Diego Leather Judges for 2012

From: Mr. San Diego Leather 2004 Adam:
ROMP San Diego is fast approaching and the folks at the venue are spiffing up the cabins, mowing the lawns and stocking the restaurant and bar.  A select few men and women are preparing to choose the newest ambassadors for the San Diego Leather / Kink / Fetish community.
 These, our esteemed judges, have been working in the community for many years and each have something special to contribute.  We are pleased to announce the Judges for The Mr. & Ms. San Diego Leather 2012 contest:

Tom Dickerson – Head Judge 
Mr. Dickerson is Mr. San Diego Leather 2002, and the 40th Elected Emperor of The Imperial Court de San Diego.  Tom is celebrating his 10 year anniversary this year as Mr. San Diego Leather.
Naria Lei B. Jordan
Naria is Ms San Diego Leather 2002 and a sex educator.  She is also celebrating her 10 year anniversary as Ms San Diego Leather.
The Ruby Empress Ajax
The 40th Elected Empress of The Imperial Court de San Diego as well as San Diego Leather Daddy 2004 and Knight of Leather 2005, as always happily straddling the Drag / Leather communities.
Shann Carr
                Shann is International Ms. Leather 1988 and a quite twisted comedian.
Rik has held the titles of Maryland Mr. Drummer 1999 and Mr. Maryland Leather 2009 and is nationally known as the founder of ‘Hooker and boys.’
Eric Siglin
Eric holds the titles of Florida Leather Bear 2004, Mr. Florida Olympus 2006 and US Daddy 2007.  He currently produces Florida LeatherSIR and Leatherboy.
Last, but far from least – our beloved
tiger is Ms San Diego Leather 2010 and has her paws in all sorts of things.

For full bios of these judges and more information, check out the website: www.ROMPSD.com  Order your weekend pass, day pass or play party tickets online today.

ROMP San Diego is a weekend of brotherhood and sisterhood, a time to relax with other kinky folks from San Diego and across the country.  Mr. and Ms San Diego Leather contests have finally come together as one to celebrate our community as a whole! 
Join us August 24-26, 2012 either for a day or the whole weekend.  Many options are available including transportation, various lodging, day passes and weekend packages, please visit www.ROMPSD.com  Check us out, then come join us for a ROMP!__,_._,___