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2012-07-20 Report Bad Cop Behavior This Weekend

Last year during Pride, there were multiple instances of people (particularly leatherfolks) being hassled by over-aggressive copsduring the parade and festival. There is an ongoing court-case that confronts one such a cop and the SDPD for selective and biased treatment. 

Last year, they caught us by surprise. That won't happen this time. 

If you see or hear ANYTHING that smells like biased harassment, please let me know. Take pictures, video, names, contact-info and get 'em to me. We're not some tiny, easily-intimidated sub-group. There are thousands of us, becoming more united every day. They need to learn that if they get too cocky. 

Keep in mind, if they are hassling YOU for what you are wearing, they are NOT hassling the heteros in string bikinis and Borat Banana Hammocks every year during Over the Line at the beach. It's selective and bigoted enforcement at our expense. 

I got the Rodney King treatment from six hater cops in what is now RICHs, back in 1982. I hate to see that kind of thinking coming back, and I won't tolerate it.