2012-05-22 Review of LL Bear Dance Party
On Saturday, May 19, the dynamic team of men of CubClub joined with DJ Shane Stiel...
to take over the LL Bear dance party at Richs. It was very, very different from what I expected. I've been to the LL Bear party in the past, and didn't much have an opinion of it one way or the other. It was something that just happened, and didn't excite me much.
Well, I can't say that any more, at least if this team is on duty. These are the same guys who have made the
BELT Parties into something that folks outside of San Diego make plans to attend.
The place was PACKED, and on the same weekend as Long Beach Pride. I couldn't help but notice how many men were in harnesses and other fetishwear. Given that the folks of CubClub
have over 500 folks on their Twitter Feed, and DJ Shane Stiel
has over 300, I'm not surprised that their constituents follow them faithfully.
I feel the need to point this out - THIS IS NOT NORMAL. These guys are particularly special, effective, and consistent. They stand out like a lighthouse among candles. They don't just talk big and deliver little, they do every event at 100%. This is what real leadership looks like.
I can name at least forty San Diego men in their thirties and younger who are powerful, passionate, impressive and true leaders and effective role-models, and Shane and every one of the men of CubClub are on the list. I praise them often, because they earn it. They sure did on Saturday.
The music was superb, (and I'm a picky old Disco-Era Daddy), the masculine men were swarming in excitement, and I had to walk sideways to get from one end of the bar to the other. I can't think of a better reason to get the hell away from the computer-screen and get very physical.
I can't imagine where all of this is going to end up in a few years - We're simply going to have to build some bigger venues at the rate we're going.