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As you probably know, I don't make a penny off of my public work - Never have, never will.  I do it out of a deep desire for better days in our community.  I do this stuff with a cheerful heart, and I love every part of it. 

Now, I want to ask for something in return:

If you care about having our local Tribe be cohesive, affectionate, and vibrantly alive, then please make an extra effort to attend this Thursday night's BELT party.  Here's why:

It's a big effort by young men who are our community's future - They want to create a new, four-times-a-year tradition that evokes the pleasure we feel when we attend big events like the Folsom Street Fair. They deserve to succeed, and I am certainly going to be there to show my support.  This is a huge, risky, messy and crazy-exuberant, wild-ass experiment, and we need lots of those if we're ever going to have better times in the decades to come. The same old stuff isn't going to sustain us much longer - the demographics, viewpoints and larger culture are changing.

As I say all of the time, I've got great ideas, but they are the ideas of an older man with a long gray beard.  The new visions, created by the new talents rising among us, using new perspectives, are where the future lies. Many of the men reading this are old enough to be these young men's dads, uncles or grandfathers. Let's do what good men of the Tribe do, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder so that our next generations can stand on our shoulders!

Thank you!