Men's Monthly Discussions
Cost: Free, to all ages, eighteen and up. We'll pass around the hat at the end of the event, to OPTIONALLY help pay for the rental of the space, and to show our appreciation for the freedom it provides.
When: 7PM to 9PM, First and Third Wednesday of each month.
Topic for Wednesday, August 17: RELATIONSHIPS… Long-term, mixed vanilla/kink, age disparity, multi-way, Leather Families and anything else that shows up. There will be a lot to cover, and this same topic might lead into September and October as well!
This is a men-only, welcoming and brotherly space, moderated by Papa Tony. We have needed more reasons to have events outside of a noisy bar environment, for the benefit of our youth, and folks in recovery.
This is not a lecture, it's a conversation that will never be boring, and the discussion will progress briskly. Each time that we do this, we'll have an over-arching theme, but the discussions will flow naturally, as conversations tend to do.
It's meant to be an opportunity for men to share wisdom from their own experiences, for the benefit of all. We have plenty of Wikipedia-style information coming at us every day, but it can mean a lot more to have your concerns, considerations and questions directly answered by men who have had long years of experience on a particular topic.
There aren't enough mentors and role-models to go around, so this is a way of spreading around what we have available. If you're experienced and wise, we want you there. If you're an absolute newbie, you will be treated very well; we all had to start somewhere!
Dress comfortably, relax and open your mind to the men around you. Get away from the computer screen and invest in some new friends!