2011-06-15 SDLOG Workshop Open to Everyone-San Diego's Leather History
Friday July 1 - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Joyce Beers Center
1230 Cleveland St
San Diego, Ca
You can find the Joyce Beers Center between the Terra and Aladdin's restaurants on Vermont Street, just north of University.
Please note: This meeting is open to everyone.
SDLOG is proud to bring you a presentation by the San Diego's Leather History Project
This panel presentation will cover San Diego's Leather History from the view point of those who were there. The panel will be moderated by Caryl, the leader of the San Diego Leather History Project. Confirmed panelists include Mark Holmes - Mr San Diego Leather 1984, Luke Owens - First Leather Columnist for Update and founder of the International Master / slave contest, and Wayne Dietz, who's community involvement has spanned decades.
In addition to the panel discussion there will also be history exhibits that may be reviewed, including binders of articles, posters and historical documentation of major events that have happened in San Diego.
Mark your calendars now to join us as we delve in to San Diego's history!