Lots and lots of new information coming through, so I'm separating the Upcoming Events listing and the announcements from now on. My goal is to send this stuff out by Tuesday, so that folks get a little extra reminder just before the weekend arrives. I don't make a penny off of any of this, and it's all time taken away from my actual career, so I sometimes run a little late (like today).
I'm very sad about losing
George Wong as a friend, as a peer and as a leader in our community. George was one of the people who shifted Los Angeles's leather community into the present booming age of successes. I never really got to be close friends with him (too many miles apart), but I treasured every chance to attend his Dim Sum brunches, or to see him in action. That man was universally loved, and he spent massive amounts of his life making the world a better place. He got to see huge, beneficial changes in his community while he was still alive, so that makes me very happy.
-=-=-=-=- Anthony's Welcome Home Party
My favorite part was when it was time for Anthony to speak to the crowd. The bar was very crowded, yet the place went SILENT to the point where Anthony could talk in a normal voice, without a microphone, without having to screech over the sound of drunken, indifferent rowdies.
This is a symptom of how far we've come as a community. Imagine a San Diego leather bar, in 2011, that is thoroughly packed, diverse, wildly happy, unified and respectful of local community-leaders when it came to be time to listen up. My comment to several people afterward was "NOW, THAT'S A LEATHER BAR!"
This is the first time that I'm aware of in San Diego's entire history that one of our representatives has been sent to an international titleholder contest and had every single expense
covered by donations from the community. This is huge, and just one more symptom of how far we've progressed together.
-=-=-=-=-=-=- Miles' Cigars & Boots Event
I really need to stay longer at
this monthly event (rather than running home to host dinner parties), because the patio at the Redwing gets good and busy with cigar-smoking men as the afternoon continues onward. I know that I keep harping on about how wonderfully congenial the crowd is, but it's true - I'm continually thrilled with how everyone is so warm, welcoming and relaxed. The usual pattern applies: We have new faces at each of our events, but they tend to return in the following months, and they get even more relaxed as the months go by, and they bring their friends. It's a low-pressure, mellow gathering of fetishmen. Obviously, there's a need for something like that. I do't smoke, but I never miss one of these gatherings.