Just as an experiment, I'm inviting everyone to send an email to me at FetishMenSanDiego @ gmail.com to tell me about your businesses. A few paragraphs will do:
- Tell us what makes you proud of your work.
- Contact-information. Name, address, email, phone, Web site.
- Don't be too "Marketing 101" about it, please. Just be real.
Then, I'll compile what is sent and
send it out as one, long message so that we don't flood the mailing-list.
Here's the goal:
It's a terrible economy, and, now that we have such a huge and continually-growing Tribal network in San Diego, we can consciously send our business to local vendors that actively support and desire our patronage. Yes, we have some great leather and fetish shops, but we also have real-estate agents, computer consultants, florists, plumbers and restaurants that need our support.
As I've said many times, FMSD is NOT meant to be a source of SPAM. This is an experiment to see how supportive we can be when we are outside of a playroom or a bar. There is more to us than that.