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2011-03-14 Mr. San Diego Leather 2010 Cigar Social IML FUNDRAISER

Note from Tony: this is an important event - Anthony has been our Mr. San Diego Leather for a year now, and he is ready to head off to Chicago in late May for the International Mr. Leather 2011 Contest.  He is our city's ambassador, he's going to be putting everything he has into being the best representative he can be, and like most of us, he's not made out of money.

He has many, many people helping him out with his preparations, but he needs help with the finances. Even one dollar thrown into a bucket at the following event can help him out and make his journey easier.  Don't make me pick you up by the ankles and make me shake you until that dollar comes out of your pocket!  :->  

Seriously, though - I have the longest inseam in town, and since they will be selling raffle tickets, just insist on having me stand in for you when the tickets are being measured out.  You'll get a lot more chances to win!

Helping our local volunteers and leaders is our best way of investing in our community's future and well-being.  If you've ever grumbled that the local scene simply isn't up to your expectations, welllll, here is your chance to help make better days show up!


Mr. San Diego Leather 2010 Cigar Social / IML FUNDRAISER!
Saturday, April 9 · 4-7pm

Bourbon Street Bar and Grill

Thank you all for your support during my title year. Now it's time to take it to the next level. I will be representing San Diego as i compete for the International Mr. Leather Title May 28th @ IML in Chicago. I need your support. $5 suggested donation at the door. $5 cigars, $1 raffle tickets. Come out and have some fun, drink, eat, and make some new friends (or reconnect with ones you haven't seen in a while).