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2011-03-07 Upcoming Events SD Leather Pride 2011 Edition

We're currently at 836 members, with more added on a constant basis.

I've been re-thinking how I'd like the next phase of FMSD's events to look like. For a while there, I was rapidly expanding plans for more and more events, and I think I hit the wall… So, I've stopped the dance-party, in favor of sending everybody over to Chris Vance's super-popular dance at Numbers (details below).

My main focus is currently on:

- Our monthly events, which are becoming better and better every month. The level of satisfaction is way beyond what I ever expected, and the numbers are rising, as well.

- Promoting events hosted by new, rising stars among us. As soon as I know about them, you will too.

I have to keep shifting plans, because our local culture is changing in ways that are wonderful and unpredictable. To wear out a tired old metaphor, San Diego's fetishmen community is a waking giant. We have been here all along, but now we're finding each other again, and we are working together in ever-growing numbers.

The next couple of weeks are going to be the biggest events for the year in our local Tribe. San Diego Leather Pride events are the ones that attract a lot of out-of-towners, and gather together the largest numbers of San Diegans. Time to dust off the gear and work the crowd!