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2010-09-04 Shifting Slowly to Regularly-Scheduled Events

Behind the scenes, there are a bunch of people who are involved in plans for upcoming FMSD events. The long-term, overarching goal is to shift from randomly-scheduled events to solid, dependable events that show up regularly on your calendar. This has always been the plan.  It's just happening a lot sooner than I expected - The number of superb, admirable (and hot!) men joining and participating in the group has accelerated much faster than I predicted.

I've been Club President of some group or another for most of the last thirty years, and I know how important it is to build momentum and attendance. San Diego's fetishmen community goes through cycles, with some traditions (such as the Mr. San Diego Leather contest and Leather Pride, and the Leather Realm during Pride) continuing onward, but with others (too many to mention) wilting away and being lost. That's the normal cycle of things. Those events that I mentioned have continued because of the fine local leaders who have maintained them for the rest of us to enjoy over the years.

San Diego's Tribe is due for some new, additional, dependable events to look forward to, month after month, and year after year. I'll have more to announce soon, as plans solidify. The goal is not only to create events that local men can enjoy, but that men from all over the world can plan their vacations around!

If this appeals to you, then please help build the momentum by telling your friends to get on the mailing-list, or to follow us on Facebook or Twitter. Gay fetishmen are HARD to track down through traditional means - You could walk right past somebody in the supermarket and never have a clue of his history or experience. You can drive through San Diego's neighborhoods and never see that playroom behind that garage door. We've all disappeared behind our computers, and the only way to Gather the Tribe is for all of us to reach out to our trusted friends and let them know that there is good news (and great events) for gay fetishmen.

It's time to build up a big, enthusiastic, visible and proud Tribe in San Diego!