Miss Deaf Gay & Mr Deaf Lesbian San Diego Contest and Halloween Party

Saturday, October 27, 2001

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DHACSD is proud to host
Most Spectacular 4th Annual
Grand Halloween Party

Saturday October 27th 2001
6 P.M. to 1 A.M.
@ 1540 Bakerfield St.
Lemon Grove, Ca. 91945

Grand Competition for
Miss Deaf Gay San Diego
Mr Deaf Lesbian San Diego
1st- $150 �2nd-$75 �3rd-$50 for both
Best Costume Category Prize-$50

Shows and Competition Start at 9 P.M.
(3 shows in between the competition!)
Voice Interpreter will be provided

Admission: $20 at the Door
$5 off with student ID
with one free drink!
Delicious food buffet will be served
Cash Bar

Info for Miss & Mr. Competition
Please contact Luis at SDLatinoboy79@aol.com

Hearing Welcome
Come all
Bring your friends
Have a scary, Funniest, & hottest night!