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Gay Leathermen Only (GLO) Thanksgving Day Turkey Dinner

Photos by Papa Tony
A gathering of GLO members for Thanksgiving Dinner

I'm a proud member of this group, which has grown rapidly in the last few months. It is a support and social group for gay males of all ages who are part of the leather scene, or want to be. I joined early on, and I've noticed that the members are bonding together in brotherhood and friendship, with plenty of hearty laughter and fun at the social events, which are non-competitive, non-cruising, and a welcome relief from the bar scene. The long-time guys (like myself) are always available for honest, safe mentoring of novice men who are curious about the leather scene.

Speaking for myself, I miss my old buddies that were my support- team a long time ago - They've died, and I've wandered for years feeling like a dinosaur surrounded by furry mammals, missing my tribe. I'm starting to invest in deeper friendships again, and I'm finding them in GLO. These guys can relate to my own history and experiences, and I've found my tribe again!

For more info, call 619-285-1909.

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